Discord ID: 497127459402022932
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sup brudda
is that oc
im wheezing
jk im sure youre alright
the us of a
kansas to be specific
hot and humid
bout 21 degrees inferior european measurement
well its 21 now
night time
its also raining and thundering
very comfy
do you really lol
being a security guard sounds comfy but only if youre by yourself
normies will never understand you
all is good
youre 31 though?
you got a gf?
you have a bf?
ill take your word and assume youre not punking me
im 20 never had a gf
yeah i know
she will be a beautiful red headed irish lass
the ideal female would have red hair and green eyes
but blonde hair is alright
brunettes are bottom tier for me
what kind of vidya you play
i only play league usually
or overwatch
normie shit
if youre white you gotta have kids
the hearing voices kind
you dont get government gibs for having schizophrenia?
1 zloty is only 27 cents usd
i know
im just saying
all good, what kind of job are you looking for?
ever think of drawing shit for money?
i like it, you could make some money from it
youre good
hello mew
what is the hip hop
You must have a gigantic penis
Kansas USA
Nah he's my cousin
That's 70 grams of keks right there
Aight I'll leave then
My cock is 5 inches wbu
Big dicks btfo
If you're a white man with big penis that means you have nigger genes
Thus lower intelligence
The state of being big
Damn bro
^the average American
Yes but he's what the average American looks like
@lemion ok europoor
Ok jude
I'm sure
Nice Trojan @iisu
Nice fucking gaming keyboard gamer
* *
hey femanon
i wish
no thanks buddy
thank you dudebro
sounds metal
thats fucking metal as fuck
ok actual retard
double standards smh
@Lurker spoken like a true logic fan
a rapper
a lyrical spiritual individual rapper
white people love him
shit server
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