Message from @fannybandit

Discord ID: 419602192278749184

2018-03-03 20:51:24 UTC  

I can confirm that Bob is a fed

2018-03-03 20:51:35 UTC  

He's worse than the fed.

2018-03-03 20:51:43 UTC  

He works for the interim that controls the feds.

2018-03-03 20:51:46 UTC  

The Agency.

2018-03-03 20:52:12 UTC  

Who just now committed an act of war against the United States of America.

2018-03-03 20:52:23 UTC  

A nation who's military I have lawful command of.

2018-03-03 20:52:31 UTC  


2018-03-03 20:52:41 UTC  

Now, we have the lawful means to wipe The Agency off of the face of the Earth.

2018-03-03 20:52:50 UTC  

MARSOC is going to have a busy day today.

2018-03-03 20:52:57 UTC  

Get to work.

2018-03-03 20:53:11 UTC  

Thanks Bob for eating my bait.

2018-03-03 20:53:20 UTC  

Tell The Agency I said hello.

2018-03-03 20:53:44 UTC need...they're watching.

2018-03-03 20:53:49 UTC  

You stupid cunts...

2018-03-03 20:56:02 UTC  

In accordance with a lawful declaration of war against the terrorist organization understood to be "The Agency", I am authorizing the use of lethal force against any and all persons that are directly and/or indirectly associated with them.

2018-03-03 20:56:08 UTC  

Have a nice day...Bob...

2018-03-03 21:06:24 UTC  

Since I told command and control that timing is everything...I want them to take a close look at the strategical map...

2018-03-03 21:07:15 UTC  

Since we all now know that Israeli assets control the media and that the media is controlled by the Agency, according to a lawful declaration of war, that makes Israel an enemy of the United States.

2018-03-03 21:08:04 UTC  

Looking at that'll notice that there are US and Russian nuclear submarines positioned within striking distance of Israel.

2018-03-03 21:08:24 UTC  

This is what I would consider Mossad's opportunity to do the right thing.

2018-03-03 21:09:18 UTC  

If media control is not relinquished back to the people while dissolving current counter-intelligence operations, Israeli government is looking at complete annihilation.

2018-03-03 21:09:54 UTC  

Israel has two options...

2018-03-03 21:10:16 UTC  

Relinquish control of media and all counter-intelligence programs...or die.

2018-03-03 21:11:02 UTC  

If they do not comply, end them.

2018-03-03 21:13:25 UTC  

Be sure to remind Putin that if he does not cooperate with this lawful declaration of war, he will be found to be in contempt of international law.

2018-03-03 21:13:59 UTC  

His participation is not needed seeing that he already lost command of his forces, however, I'm giving him one last opportunity to do something good and just on behalf of his own people.

2018-03-03 21:15:46 UTC  

If China does anything to interfere, they will be next.

2018-03-03 21:16:43 UTC  

I won't bother with ICBMs, I'll just send MARSOC closer to Xi Jinping and have snipers...counter-dictate my terms of peace.

2018-03-03 21:22:05 UTC  

In the meantime, Naval forces are to send tomahawk cruise missiles inland towards Israeli government command headquarters/capitals.

2018-03-03 21:22:17 UTC  

They have until impact time to make their intentions known.

2018-03-03 21:22:51 UTC  

We're going to make our intentions to the people of the world crystal clear.

2018-03-03 21:23:17 UTC  

Terrorism will not be tolerated.

2018-03-03 21:26:28 UTC  

Peacekeepers, your mission statement is very simple and direct.

2018-03-03 21:26:42 UTC  

Terrorize all forms of terrorism.

2018-03-03 21:29:58 UTC  

I think trump was right when he stated that autism has become an epidemic.

2018-03-03 21:31:52 UTC  

Who cares what that irrelevant cunt says.

2018-03-03 21:31:56 UTC  

He's not in charge.

2018-03-03 21:32:50 UTC  

Let's see what he has to say next when the people putting words in his teleprompter go missing.

2018-03-03 21:33:20 UTC  

putin will never go missing

2018-03-03 21:33:27 UTC  


2018-03-03 21:33:38 UTC  

me falangista