Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 419876313579651073

2018-03-04 15:14:21 UTC  

@Deleted User I agree. Still there is no NS anywhere now and there is plenty of Marxism.

2018-03-04 15:14:36 UTC  

its basically because soviets couldnt give a fuck about people and they forcefully recruited people en masse, and basically thats why they rationed weapons on basis of: 1 gets the gun, other one gets the ammo.

2018-03-04 15:14:43 UTC  
2018-03-04 15:14:47 UTC  

Jesus christ

2018-03-04 15:14:56 UTC  

did you learn history from movies

2018-03-04 15:15:07 UTC  

Thats just poor history

2018-03-04 15:15:10 UTC  

@Firefly there are no any NS because they're demonized daily

2018-03-04 15:15:29 UTC  

@Nicholas91 no, i've learned history

2018-03-04 15:15:29 UTC  

@Deleted User Marxism is demonized daily too.

2018-03-04 15:15:49 UTC  

Well why do you not know the basics even

2018-03-04 15:16:00 UTC  

Even from a right wing perspective

2018-03-04 15:16:02 UTC  

i guess its because marxists were partially against jews, i think @Firefly

2018-03-04 15:16:03 UTC  

Soviet production values were simply mind numbing; and its unthinkable that they would somehow be lacking in a robust number of personal weapons. Indeed so much Soviet small-arms fell into German hands in the initial assault that certain submachineguns and rifles were pressed into service with the Wehrmacht and given official Heer designations.  @Deleted User

2018-03-04 15:16:06 UTC  

You are doing a poor job

2018-03-04 15:16:46 UTC  

@Deleted User Most Marxist in China and India never even heard about Jews.

2018-03-04 15:17:37 UTC  

@Deleted User um, thats not true, from 1930's to 1940's soviets were apsolutely lacking on weapons and ammo, and in mere 1942, they began putting less effort into gun detailing and they just crudely made weapons.

2018-03-04 15:17:58 UTC  

Again that's just not true.

2018-03-04 15:18:06 UTC  

um yeah it is

2018-03-04 15:18:11 UTC  

Even a nazi would know the truth of it

2018-03-04 15:18:29 UTC  

I mean i could pretend to be a nazi

2018-03-04 15:18:34 UTC  

as i said, soviets recruited people en masse in order to defeat nazis

2018-03-04 15:18:35 UTC  

and argue for you

2018-03-04 15:18:36 UTC  

The idea of underequipped front-line soldiers being 'herded' forwards with inadequate weaponry is a heady mix of misinterpreted first-hand accounts, propaganda, and lack of Soviet cohesion and tactical acumen during the years 1941-1942. Attacks, for example, that were meant to be well-planned and co-ordinated Soviet Doctrine attacks often got cluttered up, with successive waves attacking together, or with artillery falling too late or too early, giving the image of a rabble conducting a 'human wave' attack, which is a gross oversimplification.

2018-03-04 15:18:48 UTC  

You are just missing the basics so fundamentally

2018-03-04 15:19:08 UTC  

The Soviets were well equipped and they had a highly developed logistics system. You are an idiot.

2018-03-04 15:19:49 UTC  

if soviets were well equipped, then why did they have to ration weapons and ammo on basis ''one gets the gun, the other one gets the ammo''

2018-03-04 15:19:59 UTC  

doesnt make sense

2018-03-04 15:20:01 UTC  

They didn't. That's a myth.

2018-03-04 15:20:07 UTC  

Enemy at the gates

2018-03-04 15:20:11 UTC  

is not a history book

2018-03-04 15:20:17 UTC  


2018-03-04 15:20:34 UTC  


2018-03-04 15:20:39 UTC  

I mean even if i was a raging nazi

2018-03-04 15:20:53 UTC  

I would just say the truth

2018-03-04 15:20:56 UTC  

what even is ''enemy at the gates''

2018-03-04 15:21:20 UTC  

You should know you quoted it line for line

2018-03-04 15:21:32 UTC  

so are you like the other nazi

2018-03-04 15:21:34 UTC  

The Soviet Army was one of the most forward-thinking and robust militaries in the world, with a strong corps of officers well educated in mobile and deep operations. "Deep Operations" or Deep Battle, the strategy that, once mastered, carried them through to victory after victory from late 1943 onwards, was actually a pre-war brainchild of many of the purged Officers. The idea of the Soviets as some shambling, ill-equipped horde often is a result of propaganda about what was very much a rotten structure, but for far more nuanced reasons than 'poor equipment and drunks.' They were simply not the same army that they were in 1932; and would not return to that level of cohesion and operational skill until 1943/44. That being said, they certainly weren't rounding up hordes of scarcely equipped conscripts and throwing them at the enemy save in the most desperate of situations: certain annihilation. In point of fact, as early as winter 1941, we see the newly formed reserve fronts deploying well equipped, well trained units from the Far East, Siberia and Moscow - and this during a time period when Soviet industry was either being evacuated*, overrun or put under bombardment.

2018-03-04 15:21:36 UTC  

people here

2018-03-04 15:21:53 UTC  

Who hate to talk like normal

2018-03-04 15:22:14 UTC  

For fear your other may be human?