Message from @fannybandit
Discord ID: 420741515619336192
Commanders then become pieces on a board.
Nazism is fucking gay
Luckily I skipped college.
you skipped college?
Stale wars are fucking gay.
whered you get so skilled at being a tactician then
The military.
Also self-taught.
i c
You can't be taught how to be a tactical God.
I'm like
But do you know the difference between a clip and a magazine
Thank you.
A clip directly loads magazines.
Magazines directly loads a weapon.
Oh fuck. Real deal operator
I wish I was that cool.
They're missing magazines so...not tactical.
we nned more niggas like you tbh
Oh I know.
Hey don't knock fat people!
so like
They can kill as many unarmed civilians as the more physically fit operators!
I could single handedly replace the entire military command and control, The Pentagon, and the CIA.
do you plan on tactianing for the military
No need.
They can listen to me right here.
Hi Bob from Army Intelligence
He's shy.
whatchu think bout main man up top
mr trump