Message from @DeusVolt
Discord ID: 290350920372322306
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe we were watching an educational video on sadness
my bad guys
eating comfy chips
u wot mate
I have a BMI of 21 nigger
What do you mean, you're bad?
U didgeridoo wot m8?
I want snacks now
@I'mGoingBerserk How many pushups can you do in one go, faggot?
100 here :^)
6 million
55 in a min is my average
Just any. I'm hungry
But it's late
My homeland
>TFW I live in suburbs
>Talladega Forest
>Not even once
>me watching a race
>Me watching the white race
why is my connection so shit right now
>whenever I go to the gun range there are these fudds. pic related is basically what happens
>That one fucking faggot that walks down the range picking up casings
>Mfw he walks in front of me to pick up a casing just before I fire