Message from @fassel
Discord ID: 421421660613115905
Honestly I almost feel bad for being on the rape anglin to death squad
@SlavManlet-NC yes, to the former
@Vice Commander Hunt To what?
your height
He has the gay look in his eyes
He has just deluded himself that the current drumpf populism will save the white race
@Vice Commander Hunt I have slavic genes on both sides so my whole family are manlets
When at best it is a quarter measure
lets measure his pointer and ring finger
then we will know
Rape anglin! 1589!
my sons going to be a manlet
don't try and blame your deficiency on slavs
Maybe less
@Vice Commander Hunt Well slovak specifically
find pic of his hands
yeah in that photo he looks bi
Men are either gay or not
that bandana gives it away
just hypersexual straight men @fassel
Bi is gay
ok, then he looks like someone that "experimented"
Suck one dick, ur a fag
lol that's why you don't put things in the pooper
Poopdick and bloody ass is pretty gross
blehhhhhhh thanks
that mental image
coming outta the butthole of evrah sodomite!
Based negro