Message from @fassel
Discord ID: 421422161950015490
find pic of his hands
yeah in that photo he looks bi
No such thing as bi
Men are either gay or not
that bandana gives it away
just hypersexual straight men @fassel
Bi is gay
ok, then he looks like someone that "experimented"
Suck one dick, ur a fag
lol that's why you don't put things in the pooper
Poopdick and bloody ass is pretty gross
blehhhhhhh thanks
that mental image
coming outta the butthole of evrah sodomite!
Based negro
In 2015, Manning called presidential candidate Ben Carson a "pathetic nigga" and a "demon", and described all of Carson's supporters as "closeted sodomites, fags, lesbos, [and] buttlickers".
wtf I love this guy
Yeah pastor manning is great for lulz
We can keep him in a zoo or something in the ethnostate
A comfortable zoo
Not TOO comfortable
He can live on the border
@fassel We can send him to Africa with the other 8 or 9 based negroes and put him in charge of the *SS Afrikaner* foreign legion.
Identity Afrvka
this but unironically
Traditional Field Workers Party
I wish Sam Hyde was in TWP
@FashyGoy1488 Has Matt tried doing some outreach to him?
We should contact him.