Message from @Fash Dragon
Discord ID: 422574731615797248
No no no, if I have learned nothing else during my 24 hours of most popular facebook commie ever it's that you never ever assume gender, and you also don't share your posts with everyone.. just some people and you always exclude the people that it will trigger. And "bitch" is a gender slur ANNNNNNNDDDDDD you can't make fun of drug addicts cause that's ableist
You can do that if you're left wing
As long as you accept that it may be an offensive term to some people and "work on " not using it, it's fine.
I kinda want to make a commie facebook now for hitting on thots wtf
Hey @Fevs you see the hotties I posted
I'm not into yentas, too much hatred
I did it for the Lulz
Ur a good sport
Lel DS
Yea I got the email a few days ago
@Fevs can I get let in as you already know me or do I need to do vetting?
@DankCaesar Do I know you?
Just making sure I'm in New channel
Jej it's fake
It's from some shit tier zombie nazi movie
Lol where is that pic from...a fucking show?
Called Bloodrayne the third reich
Aaah lol clowns using photos from a movie😂
I'm gonna tell em about it
Say some shit to those clowns
O shit now we've got to ask matt if killing babies is okay as long as they're zombies @Mai
@Maiayyye make em feel stupid bud, pill em if you can👌 or is that the fake account?
You can't see my face, but I'm rustled. Rustled at them using that as a meme, and rustled that I can't just let it slide but still have to pretend to be a commie. Also rustled that I couldn't find a way to slip "problematic" in there.
Lol saw him typing huh
HAHA, I did.
Lol I think it's way too late for that @Mai
"Hello fellow communists" I had a cheesy grin when I typed this, but my eye also twitched a little.
You subversive fuck lol
Good. Subvert and crush their groups.