Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 429417260197871636

2018-03-30 22:51:42 UTC  

And snopes is not trustworthy in any sense, it has been proven.

2018-03-30 22:52:08 UTC  

@Deleted User >Any evidence that goes against my position is fake

2018-03-30 22:53:36 UTC  

“Snopes is actually a pretty good at disproving “outlandish urban legends”, but when they deal with political ‘fact checking’ their bias is blatant.”

2018-03-30 22:54:21 UTC  

@Deleted User Thank you for defending my honor. It's true that I escaped to Argentina where I established numerous male brothels in order to support myself.

2018-03-30 22:54:37 UTC  

@Deleted User No problem.

2018-03-30 22:56:47 UTC  

@Deleted User Hitler's dentist was captured after the war by the Americans. Two of his dental techs were captured by the Russians. Each independently reconstructed the details of Hitler's dental work from memory. Their reconstructions meshed completely, and they fit with the details of the dental work on the jaw fragments attributed to Hitler AND to the skull X-rays taken of him by his doctor after the July 20 bomb attempt. Bottom line, there is solid forensic proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Hitler died in Berlin. Also the CIA document has been throughly debunked

2018-03-30 22:57:30 UTC  

Unfortunately one of my most beloved male lovers, Hermann Goering, was unable to escape with me. Those homophobic degenerates AKA allies captured him.

2018-03-30 23:00:31 UTC  

@mrx2211#8084 Hmm, so they were captured by the russians who were infamous for falsifying evidence and outright lying..... really makes you think....

2018-03-30 23:01:03 UTC  

And wasn't the skull proven to be some random women in germany?

2018-03-30 23:01:21 UTC  

This is true. There is nothing more masculine, more life-affirming than taking the erect penis of another man into your mouth. I wholeheartedly approve of such an activity and routinely engaged in it.

2018-03-30 23:02:04 UTC  


2018-03-30 23:02:57 UTC  

As a young lad in Austria, my artist friends and I would frequently jack eachother off and give one another a good ol' fashioned blowie.

2018-03-30 23:04:51 UTC  

@Deleted User So what? >some guy said this so the evidence is invalid

2018-03-30 23:06:06 UTC  

On the front, nothing raised the spirits (and cocks) of my fellow countrymen quite like man-on-man stimulation. If it weren't for Germany's betrayal at the hands of the Kaiser and international Jewry, I would have added way more dicks to my suck-list.

2018-03-30 23:06:44 UTC  

@mrx2211#8084 "Yhea, so what if there was no actual proof that the soviets found the corpse of hitler, or that the russians may have potentially falsified evidence and forced hitlers dentists to state that they did a test that matched the bones of hitler?"

2018-03-30 23:09:34 UTC  

@Deleted User >The Israelis who captured Eichmann in Argentina and brought him to Israel for trial and execution were blissfully unaware that the far more famous Hitler was there as well.

>All the historians who wrote authoritatively on Hitler's death are wrong

2018-03-30 23:09:43 UTC

2018-03-30 23:10:53 UTC  

@mrx2211#8084 Really? I didn't know that the israeli's had direct access to classified CIA documents.

2018-03-30 23:10:54 UTC  

i wanna learn how to swim

2018-03-30 23:12:51 UTC  

And, a historians job is only to report on what evidence they are given, they don't determine whether or not it is valid or true.

2018-03-30 23:13:09 UTC  


2018-03-30 23:13:18 UTC  

A historians job is to determine the truth of history as well

2018-03-30 23:13:26 UTC  

as best they can

2018-03-30 23:13:29 UTC  

@Deleted User >Nazitard wants n attention so he says retarded things wanting people to respond to him

2018-03-30 23:13:45 UTC  

I figured it out

2018-03-30 23:13:47 UTC  

You may have heard of the infamous Sonderfahndungsliste, but not the Saugliste (Suck List). This is because the CIA has repressed all evidence of its existence. They do not want you to know that we Nazi's had vibrant sex lives. On this list are boytoys like Ernst Röhm, and Julius Schreck, both of whom I had a threesome with.

2018-03-30 23:14:09 UTC  


2018-03-30 23:14:15 UTC  

@Deleted User send nudes

2018-03-30 23:14:34 UTC  

@Suleiman I would beg to disagree.....

2018-03-30 23:14:39 UTC  

@mrx2211#8084 What an argument.

2018-03-30 23:14:48 UTC  


2018-03-30 23:15:16 UTC  

@Deleted User >Cherry picking is an argument

2018-03-30 23:15:28 UTC  

@mrx2211#8084 Oh, what did I cherry pick?

2018-03-30 23:17:06 UTC  

@Deleted User You truly are a fearless disciple. Had I known you in life, I would not have hesitated to offer you a "reach around" for your unwavering faith in the National Socialist cause.

2018-03-30 23:18:14 UTC  

@Deleted User Pfffffft.

2018-03-30 23:20:45 UTC  

Yes, that is a good analysis regarding my sexual preferences. Dear 'Gustl' was my first real love. It wasn't difficult to allow him into my heart and anus.

2018-03-30 23:20:46 UTC  

@mrx2211#8084 So you choose not to tell me what faults there are in my argument, and instead resort to autistic screeching, wonderful.