Message from @Suleiman

Discord ID: 429589373206659072

2018-03-31 10:31:15 UTC  

I am of the respectable anarchist nature

2018-03-31 10:31:40 UTC  

Anarchism is nothing.

2018-03-31 10:31:47 UTC  

and everything at the same time

2018-03-31 10:31:52 UTC  


2018-03-31 10:31:55 UTC  


2018-03-31 10:32:02 UTC  

It's reactionary.

2018-03-31 10:32:14 UTC  

It defines its liberation in terms of authority.

2018-03-31 10:32:15 UTC  

Fascinating assessment

2018-03-31 10:33:26 UTC  

Well I mean Mutualist anarchist theories go extensively into an economic and social model

2018-03-31 10:33:37 UTC  

A negation or opposite does not free itself, it determines itself by the master ideology as a reaction.

2018-03-31 10:33:40 UTC  

U vagina

2018-03-31 10:33:48 UTC  

I hate mutualists.

2018-03-31 10:33:54 UTC  

Have you ever read Proudhon?

2018-03-31 10:34:04 UTC  


2018-03-31 10:34:15 UTC  

You idiot.

2018-03-31 10:34:21 UTC  


2018-03-31 10:34:26 UTC  


2018-03-31 10:34:30 UTC  

Ah I see

2018-03-31 10:34:45 UTC  

'You idiot' so you're one of those who just make accusations and have no substance in your argument

2018-03-31 10:34:47 UTC  


2018-03-31 10:34:47 UTC  


2018-03-31 10:35:10 UTC  

Big boy in his centuries old theory boots.

2018-03-31 10:35:14 UTC  


2018-03-31 10:35:30 UTC  

If you are getting your information from wikipedia pages then thats your hang up

2018-03-31 10:35:58 UTC  

but to truly understand the ideology you need to read its base of existence, Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Kropotkin, Marx, Smith, Proudhon etc

2018-03-31 10:36:16 UTC  

If anarchism was relevant it would have constantly renewed theory.

2018-03-31 10:36:23 UTC  

It is hardly relevant

2018-03-31 10:36:23 UTC  

I've read all of those.

2018-03-31 10:36:30 UTC  

Anarchist isn't a threat to anyone

2018-03-31 10:36:35 UTC  


2018-03-31 10:36:36 UTC  

Those are rookie philosophers.

2018-03-31 10:36:46 UTC  

'Rookie' they're the fucking major ones

2018-03-31 10:36:53 UTC  

Rookie ones are the less known ones

2018-03-31 10:37:06 UTC  

How about Kant, Hegel, Zizek, Lacan, Deleuze and Foucault?

2018-03-31 10:37:14 UTC  

I read Hegel and Kant

2018-03-31 10:37:18 UTC  

not the latter few

2018-03-31 10:37:38 UTC  

That's your error. You study history. Not philosophy.

2018-03-31 10:37:58 UTC  

I study Politics and International Relations and Minor in History as well as Philosophy

2018-03-31 10:38:13 UTC  

That's nice. Been there done that.

2018-03-31 10:38:17 UTC  

sorry big lad

2018-03-31 10:38:42 UTC  

J.S Mill is bae