Message from @Mr. X

Discord ID: 430400795226406912

2018-04-02 16:15:50 UTC  

How is the middle class dying?

2018-04-02 16:16:01 UTC  

It's shrinking.

2018-04-02 16:16:07 UTC  

Yeah how?

2018-04-02 16:16:14 UTC  

More people are becoming lower-class.

2018-04-02 16:16:24 UTC  


2018-04-02 16:16:36 UTC  

Where? And why?

2018-04-02 16:16:37 UTC  

No economic growth.

2018-04-02 16:16:56 UTC  

Where? And whys that?

2018-04-02 16:17:05 UTC  

Ask the wealthy/government.

2018-04-02 16:17:08 UTC  

I call it corruption.

2018-04-02 16:17:21 UTC  

* sigh *

2018-04-02 16:17:25 UTC  


2018-04-02 16:17:41 UTC  

After all, when was the last time government took from the wealthy and gave to the poor?

2018-04-02 16:17:54 UTC  

They're too busy taking from the poor and giving to the wealthy.

2018-04-02 16:18:04 UTC  

I can tell you times when the government took from the wealthy

2018-04-02 16:18:10 UTC  

Name one.

2018-04-02 16:18:24 UTC  

Ever heard of taxes?

2018-04-02 16:18:40 UTC  

Taxes hurt the poor more than the wealthy.

2018-04-02 16:18:57 UTC  


2018-04-02 16:19:01 UTC  

Ever heard of bank bailouts?

2018-04-02 16:19:06 UTC  

But the money goes to the people too

2018-04-02 16:19:07 UTC  

The wealthy get that money back.

2018-04-02 16:19:30 UTC  

I barely know what bailouts are, I left school when I was 16

2018-04-02 16:19:38 UTC  

In what way does the wealthy's money go to the people?

2018-04-02 16:19:43 UTC  

i never went to school

2018-04-02 16:19:45 UTC  

How would they get that back?

2018-04-02 16:19:46 UTC  

Food Stamps?

2018-04-02 16:19:50 UTC  


2018-04-02 16:20:04 UTC  

@fannybandit What do you think taxes are even for? Lmao

2018-04-02 16:20:05 UTC  


2018-04-02 16:20:16 UTC  

That's my point...the people pay for that.

2018-04-02 16:20:24 UTC  

What do the wealthy pay for or contribute to?

2018-04-02 16:20:33 UTC  

Disability is pretty necessary to be treated.

2018-04-02 16:20:43 UTC  

I agree.

2018-04-02 16:20:44 UTC  

And what about food stamps? What's SSI?

2018-04-02 16:20:59 UTC  

Just answer what the wealthy contribute to.

2018-04-02 16:21:00 UTC  

@fannybandit Pay the taxes

2018-04-02 16:21:04 UTC  

some donate to chairty

2018-04-02 16:21:07 UTC  

@Mr. X Just shows how you should have been in school mate.

2018-04-02 16:21:08 UTC  


2018-04-02 16:21:34 UTC  

Also known as tax write-offs.