Message from @ghostofthevolk
Discord ID: 422798117663145994
not like those sunni kikes
They are allies with Assad.
Yeah, I guess Hezbollah is pretty cool
@SlavManlet-NC sweet rhyme
They're half the world away. Don't have any issues with them since they're there and we're here.
Yeah I like the Ba'ath idea a lot lol
ay we vetting yet
Only mods can vett, i can contact them, as i am the only TWP member of rank in here at the moment i think.
Yeah have us vetted
got ya if i need a mic i need to wait for my paycheck
I run an alt right game dev server with @FashyGoy1488 and @CatoHostilius
vett me daddy
Ah, ok, Johnson can vett you.
@Fash Dragon can you Vett our good friends here?
Ghost of The Volk is good, he was active in the last server, unless you have objections.
^true original nazbol gang lol
I remember Ghost
I was in the last sever as well. I was active for the time it was used. I was only in for a couple days before we moved to this one.
and I've talked to Johan quite a lot
Not Sure.
It was compromised i guess.
Just insecure
Leaving before it was compromised
I know VA was nuked have yet to figure out whats going on with that
I don't keep up with VA
the vanguard server went down a while back
im not sure if it went back up now im in limbo as my old account was trashed
Okay everyone that isn't a literal who to me is vetted
thank you brother
Wait until fevs gets online, then he can vett more.
Sure thing then
@Mike_The_Monsta I got you
Thanks man. I think fash vetted me