Message from @amsalem

Discord ID: 434790913106116618

2018-04-14 19:01:40 UTC  

oh nice

2018-04-14 19:01:44 UTC  

if you want to call it like that

2018-04-14 19:01:49 UTC  

So you’re a cuck

2018-04-14 19:01:58 UTC  

basically is what you’re telling me

2018-04-14 19:02:01 UTC  

says the commie

2018-04-14 19:02:12 UTC  

<:troll_king:312064227542040576> look guys le epic troll

2018-04-14 19:02:14 UTC  

Now we have the NSA spying on you while you take a shit and airport thugs grabbing your ballsack. Not to mention homeless people on every street corner.

2018-04-14 19:02:18 UTC  

The only ideology that represents my interest

2018-04-14 19:02:21 UTC  

so no cuck

2018-04-14 19:02:36 UTC  

Capitalism is so cuckish.

2018-04-14 19:02:47 UTC  

Unlike you who chooses the ideology that goes against yours

2018-04-14 19:02:56 UTC  

since you’re obviously a wage slave

2018-04-14 19:03:02 UTC  


2018-04-14 19:03:14 UTC  

Capitalism is the epitomie of being cucked

2018-04-14 19:03:16 UTC  

cognitive dissonance levels too high

2018-04-14 19:03:20 UTC  

y-you cuck!

2018-04-14 19:03:31 UTC  

Makes me pissed when you have all these fascists literally wanting to cuck themselves talking about left cucks

2018-04-14 19:03:35 UTC  

shut up faggot

2018-04-14 19:03:38 UTC

2018-04-14 19:03:51 UTC  

*cant say cuck with mouth full*

2018-04-14 19:03:51 UTC  

nice white lines

2018-04-14 19:04:03 UTC  

cuz ppl were kilddddd

2018-04-14 19:04:08 UTC

2018-04-14 19:04:20 UTC  

fuck you

2018-04-14 19:04:21 UTC  

get cucked

2018-04-14 19:04:26 UTC  

“a proleteriat”

2018-04-14 19:04:26 UTC  

Marxism existed when impact font memes were around?

2018-04-14 19:04:27 UTC  

you too

2018-04-14 19:04:40 UTC  

Also I know a lot of libsocs who are working class

2018-04-14 19:04:43 UTC  

The Soviet Union was fucking dope.

2018-04-14 19:04:52 UTC

2018-04-14 19:04:58 UTC  


2018-04-14 19:05:00 UTC  

"working class"

2018-04-14 19:05:03 UTC  


2018-04-14 19:05:06 UTC  

I hate both the extream left and right

2018-04-14 19:05:08 UTC  

so yeah

2018-04-14 19:05:10 UTC  

there are only two classes

2018-04-14 19:05:13 UTC  

kill both Nazis and commies

2018-04-14 19:05:14 UTC  

the worker

2018-04-14 19:05:15 UTC  

muh horseshoeeee

2018-04-14 19:05:18 UTC  

and the bourgeoise