Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 421733308628598784
I have: old South Africa, Rhodesia, Christianity, some custom imperial German flag, the German imperial battle flag, the German imperial flag one with an iron cross as well, three rebel crosses, army of northern Virginia square flag, all three rebel National flags, Serbia, Austria-Hungary, the identitarian flag, US navy, Michigan, Italian Social Republic, Francoist Spain, Prussia, Louisiana-Rebel hybrid flag, SS, NSDAP, 2 Kriegsmarine, Hitler youth, pan slav flag, Betsy Ross, POW MIA, UK, UK navy, cross of burgundy.
I may have missed some flags
Oh yeah and some Soviet flag I ripped down a couple weeks ago
I dunno what to do with the commie flag yet, might use it as a doormat
And a sweet ass clock
Flag game is over 9000
Oh and the templar flag
I doubt any of you mere mortals can beat me on a flag collection
I also have some US and Trump flags that people gave to me but I never fly them
Fuck Abraham, low key commie.
I’m eating gook food
Larry, the humble TRS host
Everyday thing m8's.
Sieg Heil
tfw no cheesy gf
nigga why you watching videos of girls eating cheese
Could we organize a roaming border force to patrol for illegals down south? Might be a great way to get exposure and garnwr normie support
@XtraCredits probably not.
I'm also watching it now, don't worry just projection
i like cheese and i like women
can't argue with that, bud
You can actually people already do it
Theirs certian rules like no pointing barrel towarda border etc i watched a documentary about militias and theirs one that already does this stuff.
Need more people, more money, more equipment. I wouldn't even attempt to do it without a body cam, I'm not going to prison for protecting my border if something goes wrong.
she gets so excited about the blue cheese at the end