Message from @Fevs
Discord ID: 421756723938852867
We have coordinator so
@Hand Banana is your leader.
Ye Michigan is region 6
Okay okay heimbach told us lansing fascist that paul was cordinator? Whats the damn leader ship ranks im confused😂
Yeah Paul is the colonel for region 6
Paul McCarthy...
Fuck commies
Region 6 boooooi
Lansing fash hail victory! Lmao max face though.
Region 7 is obviously better
Region 5 best region obviously
Region 7 is full of gay PATRIOTS
Region 5 best region.
Do you even remember the Alamo bruh?
Regiom 6 is hardcore m8
it's just a jewish conspiracy
Press F for pharmabro
Region 5 > Region 7
Region 6 second best region
Guys we shouldnt argue over Whos best😂 we are all fascist and as one we are strong and we will prevail as one, hail victory!
Cuz I like Michigan
Region 4 second best region
Me too
fuck every region but 4 and 5
Boi i come from ritters!
you guys are all basically nonwhite shill dumb cunt faggots
I'm sorry Anglos were stubborn and had one of a million cool last stands @Fevs
All regions are best regions.