Message from @[Ex-Mitch] 21.2.19
Discord ID: 448226892877922314
And why would I care what tito would say?
I'm authoritarian
I hate liberty and freedom
I especially hate democracy
40% for markets. >IM AUTHORITARIAN U GUISE
It gives the illusion of freedom
@Pertsa >I want to be oppressed
Are you fuckin stupid?
Those 40% are state controlled and regulated markets
No foreign trade
100% autarky
Oh boy, looks like we got another special snowflake.
Is this what you think?
@Pertsa So in reality you're 100% socialist.
I'd read that comic.
Reverse image search it.
I dont have source, sorry.
Wh hh h h hhh hh h y?
I just found the comics in a memes channel on a clan server
Sorry maaaan
Share with me if you decide to get that source please.
I'm gonna look,
I've found it.
@[Ex-Mitch] 21.2.19 Is this an elderkin comic?
@[Ex-Mitch] 21.2.19 Basically you have DID and believe that you are older than your actual age.
I have sad news
the larping legend sigismund