Message from @Geamr
Discord ID: 473189798639566878
Yeah its only revising history when anyone but me does it ))
What are you going on about
just <:bour:313709044957315082> memes it seems
Kulaks deserved it <:lenin:322125387297456131>
that are just as retarded
>washington post
>expects anyone to take him seriously
everything is political
Didn't u say washington post was not good source
I don't trust this propaganda outlet
and the wopo is pretty damn political
>owned by Bezos
I'm not reading capitalist propaganda
speak coherently
Most of the world is trash, it's not our fault
is it tard hour
its tard hour
nope, that's just how it is
nothing outside the state
nothing against the state
everything for the state
everything is political and economical
there is no way to avoid it
oh no women want to make sure they can get pregnant later in life and not have to rush into it before they are ready
i dont care
the horror!
haha i love that
being called kike empowers me
rich white women suck
i hope they never reproduce
so how does this have anything to do with feminism, seems more like a lawsuit because the risks weren't explained properly or something
the final redpill: islam is more epic than liberal society
islam is reactionary
religion is reactionary
thats whats so epic about it
islamic fundamentalist terrorists are the posterchild for reactionary anti-globalists
i will sitck with guldural marxismism
*used to*