Message from @McNugget
Discord ID: 490686371913007115
dab btfo
Feminist detected
What right do men have that women don't
The right to pee standing
Men are raped more
In prison
Why do you think rapists get locked up
It’s really bad
Don't drop the soap
Men are definitely raped more
By Mexican gangsters
They do
Men rape men
so women cant rape men
What are you gonna do to stop rape?
They go to jail for a reason
Men have social pressures not to report rape by female tho
So idk what the statistics look like the other way around
A small percentage
Rape is illegal, a movement isn't gonna do shit
Men are still raped more
My name is Hu Hu Mongous
was it by a man that assaulted you?
Sexual assault and rape are waaaaaay different
I didn't say they don't have social pressures
They *don't* have the same social pressures
Am I rapist for saying my name is Hu Mongous
What about the radfems that say shit like porn is rape, staring at them is rape?
99% of men are rapists
My point still stands
Sure, because every man just wants to rape
Your position was women are raped more
That’s false