Message from @george murray

Discord ID: 493561129319268352

2018-09-23 23:14:12 UTC  

@PugSlugger what about the noticeable, non American flag in the background

2018-09-23 23:14:17 UTC  

or the fact they look all mestizo

2018-09-23 23:14:33 UTC  


2018-09-23 23:14:40 UTC  

i thought they looked south american

2018-09-23 23:14:42 UTC  

not these u nigger lol

2018-09-23 23:14:45 UTC  

the ones above

2018-09-23 23:14:48 UTC  

the uniforms

2018-09-23 23:14:57 UTC  

why are girls so shitty and emotional and moody and fucktarded?

2018-09-23 23:14:59 UTC  

they look mestizo

2018-09-23 23:15:00 UTC  

to me

2018-09-23 23:15:06 UTC  

lmao the cuck ran away

2018-09-23 23:15:08 UTC  

@Gurgio hello fellow incel

2018-09-23 23:15:11 UTC  

jesus v mohammad

2018-09-23 23:15:11 UTC  
2018-09-23 23:15:16 UTC  

jesus was god but died

2018-09-23 23:15:22 UTC  

mohammad was a man and died like all other men do

2018-09-23 23:15:23 UTC  


2018-09-23 23:15:31 UTC  

looks like the peruvian flag

2018-09-23 23:15:35 UTC  

i hate women because im around them too much, not the other way around @pajama boy

2018-09-23 23:15:43 UTC  

i thought he was trolling but maybe his inbred middle eastern muzzie iq is just that low

2018-09-23 23:15:44 UTC  


2018-09-23 23:15:47 UTC  

but the USA probably has a military base in peru

2018-09-23 23:15:59 UTC  

all women are whores

2018-09-23 23:16:00 UTC  

i’m not middle eastern

2018-09-23 23:16:12 UTC  

Phoenician people are whiter than most amerimutts

2018-09-23 23:16:13 UTC  

@DA GOMMIE JOO they loko mestizo and their shoulder patches look pretty non American, isn't it more likely they just aren't american

2018-09-23 23:16:28 UTC  

Amerimutts are brown

2018-09-23 23:16:29 UTC  


2018-09-23 23:16:35 UTC

2018-09-23 23:16:35 UTC  


2018-09-23 23:16:36 UTC  


2018-09-23 23:16:37 UTC  


2018-09-23 23:16:41 UTC  


2018-09-23 23:16:42 UTC  

pick one nigger

2018-09-23 23:16:46 UTC  

we invented civilization sweety

2018-09-23 23:16:52 UTC  

they are fucking semites not white lmao

2018-09-23 23:17:03 UTC

2018-09-23 23:17:14 UTC

2018-09-23 23:17:23 UTC  

when most phoenicians are whiter than the average amerimutt

2018-09-23 23:17:25 UTC  

sorry sweetie sandniggers arent human