Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 495056152686493716

2018-09-28 01:42:33 UTC  

brainwashed by the truth

2018-09-28 01:42:50 UTC  

i read books unlike you

2018-09-28 01:42:53 UTC  

stop projecting

2018-09-28 01:42:55 UTC  

i forgot all books are jewish because the truth is jewish and bad
fuck natsocs and poltards
theyre moronic and useless

2018-09-28 01:42:57 UTC  

low iq jew

2018-09-28 01:43:03 UTC  

'stop projecting'
'no u'

2018-09-28 01:43:40 UTC  

im non of those

2018-09-28 01:43:43 UTC  

im simply a goy

2018-09-28 01:45:47 UTC  

aint that the truth
you havent even gotten out of the jewish frame
that is why you are a goy
you are called a goy because you are labelled by jews
you do not label yourself
you let yourself be defined by muh joos
'dont you guys see communism is the way of jews! trust me!'

2018-09-28 01:51:06 UTC  

thats what the jews want you to think

2018-09-28 01:52:09 UTC  

you think this isnt a put on by jews to keep their capitalist interests in tact?

2018-09-28 01:53:10 UTC

2018-09-28 01:53:40 UTC  

do you actually think youve thought critically or outside the box on any issue?

2018-09-28 02:10:48 UTC  

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Adolf Hitler#4073 has been warned.***

2018-09-28 02:12:41 UTC  


2018-09-28 02:12:47 UTC  

implying cultural memeism is real

2018-09-28 02:13:06 UTC  

it was made up by the nazis to tie bolshevism to judaism which is retarded

2018-09-28 02:15:31 UTC  

Cringe and bluepilled

2018-09-28 02:16:07 UTC  

also >the culture of critique

2018-09-28 02:16:12 UTC  

cringiest book i’ve ever read

2018-09-28 02:16:24 UTC  

Was it cringe and bluepilled

2018-09-28 02:16:24 UTC  

keep swallowing kraut bluepills

2018-09-28 02:27:57 UTC  

Adolf would you say that Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQs on average?
If so then doesn’t that mean that maybe these Jews are onto something? Coz they are genetically smarter than you maybe you just don’t understand them because you’re genetically inferior in the intellectual department

2018-09-28 02:34:49 UTC  


2018-09-28 02:34:55 UTC  


2018-09-28 02:35:19 UTC  

@Deleted User mussolini larped as a roman and the romans as well as greeks were pretty damn gay so

2018-09-28 02:36:16 UTC  

They werent gay

2018-09-28 02:38:56 UTC  

Rome was a nation of chads

2018-09-28 02:41:34 UTC  

rome was completely gay

2018-09-28 02:41:41 UTC  

virgil was a homosexual

2018-09-28 02:43:10 UTC  

Homosexuality wasnt invented yet brainlet

2018-09-28 02:43:18 UTC  

It was just sodomy

2018-09-28 02:46:45 UTC  

Conservatives need to be left pilled

2018-09-28 02:46:50 UTC  

cringe and bluepilled

2018-09-28 02:47:00 UTC  

the greeks had gay sex like every 2.5 seconds

2018-09-28 02:47:13 UTC  

and the romans did too because the romans unlike the greeks had zero culture

2018-09-28 02:48:27 UTC  

any nazis here

2018-09-28 02:49:51 UTC  

Yes but they didnt dignify gay sex with its own "sexuality"