Message from @Mr. X

Discord ID: 506020296805974017

2018-10-28 08:21:41 UTC  

No I dont read theory because its dumb

2018-10-28 08:21:47 UTC  

not because Im lazy which Im not

2018-10-28 08:21:50 UTC  

You must be taking the piss

2018-10-28 08:21:50 UTC  

the jews werent gassed in gas chambers during the years 1919-1946 in germany .now thats something the jews should be proud of never doing during those ages .they should follow the mehiach named david irving he is a good jew he is spreading the truth about the most evil and one of the biggest hoaxes in modern times this being the holocaust for a jew to follow david irving he must go to david irving s house then ask david to give you the membership form then fill it out then he will guide you to the ellevator david and you enter the ellevator the ellevator drops 200 rooms below and then he takes you to the part of the milab where he injects you with a living micro chipped spooky spider creature the creature is very tiny 200 microns he injects this thing through your back he tells you that you wont feel a thing when he injects the creature into your body with the needle he counts down 5 4 3 2 1 and injects you he says good job you didnt even flinched or moved most people start sweating or get nervous then opens his professional notebook heads to the first page and reads the statistics that shows how many people have become followers of his he tells me in a low voice 1 million and i said wow thats a lot ill be sure to make your following grow! in addition to spreading your work i will spread 200 files that also exposes the holocaust hoax .this synthethic creature that is inside of you is monitoring all of your thoughts and everything you see through your eyes .if you do any jewish tricks then the creature disables your arms and your tongue and mouth for 5 hours and if you do it again the same thing happens to you for 5 hours plus an extra 5 hour .so you see where im going with this you will cause your own death and destruction of your soul if you sin(do jewish tricks) for example if you get to 50 punishments you are dead the creature is programmed to deactivate your heart by now. .the creature also destroys your soul when your heart

2018-10-28 08:21:52 UTC  

stops haha nope im just lying the soul(conciousness is eternal energy never dies it cannot be created nor destroyed it just changes forms)theres really know escaping it from now will serve the gods and honour them by spreading the truth about the third reich this hisorical event you will now work for the the goyim you are no longer gods chosen people that is just a mere illusion of control that the jews have created for themselves you you will also teach the goyim about the world we live in it is not this magical spinning water ball water always stays level it never curves you put water into a cup it becomes the cup.join the resistance the enemy the jews call us holocaust denier,conspiracy theory but we are just speaking the truth about our reality and history we are investigators .the truth fears no investigation question everything no to pseudoscience

2018-10-28 08:21:56 UTC  

There isnt evidence

2018-10-28 08:22:11 UTC  

>evidence is dumb so I'm not gonna read it

2018-10-28 08:22:18 UTC  
2018-10-28 08:22:20 UTC  

No I dont take the piss, its not my only source for water since Im not a commie

2018-10-28 08:22:21 UTC  


2018-10-28 08:22:28 UTC  

No I said theory is dumb

2018-10-28 08:22:30 UTC  

not evidence

2018-10-28 08:22:34 UTC  

evidence is fine

2018-10-28 08:22:55 UTC  

You claim to know all about the class divide yet haven't spent any time on it

2018-10-28 08:22:59 UTC  


2018-10-28 08:23:07 UTC  

Because Im not a cuck, no

2018-10-28 08:23:21 UTC  


2018-10-28 08:23:33 UTC  

Not at all, google projection

2018-10-28 08:23:50 UTC  

now read it @Donitz thats something the jews never did

2018-10-28 08:23:56 UTC  

the presentation of an image on a surface, especially a cinema screen.

2018-10-28 08:24:00 UTC  

anyway its like a lord or nobel man caring about the poor, its so gay

2018-10-28 08:24:12 UTC  

an estimate or forecast of a future situation based on a study of present trends.

2018-10-28 08:24:16 UTC  

Google it in psychology

2018-10-28 08:24:29 UTC  

Jung I think talked about this

2018-10-28 08:24:29 UTC  

the presentation or promotion of someone or something in a particular way.
"the legal profession's projection of an image of altruism"
a mental image viewed as reality.
"monsters can be understood as mental projections of mankind's fears"
the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person.
"we protect the self by a number of defence mechanisms, including repression and projection"

2018-10-28 08:24:46 UTC  

the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person.
"we protect the self by a number of defence mechanisms, including repression and projection"

2018-10-28 08:24:49 UTC  

Looks like you just made it up tbh

2018-10-28 08:24:49 UTC  

that's it

2018-10-28 08:24:56 UTC  

No I didnt

2018-10-28 08:25:08 UTC  

I even highlighted it for you lmao

2018-10-28 08:25:17 UTC  

You’re not old enough to be truly smart, you haven’t read a whole single book by Nietzsche. You didn’t know about Roman cavalry. Who are you comparing yourself to? You’ve demonstrated no extensive knowledge of any particular subject, and once again, If you know anything about philosophy, you know Socrates was regarded as the smartest man for admitting to not being the smartest

2018-10-28 08:25:24 UTC  

that's like a down syndrome correcting the teacher wrongly

2018-10-28 08:25:29 UTC  

Then you've been projecting this entire time smh

2018-10-28 08:25:38 UTC  


2018-10-28 08:26:07 UTC  

Anyone who refuses to read theory, but has the ability to is not an intellectual

2018-10-28 08:26:33 UTC  

im still waiting for the photo of your masters degree in economics haha f-f-f-f-fraud @Deleted User

2018-10-28 08:26:39 UTC  

@Deleted User No I did know of roman cavalry. Im comparing myself to nobody, comparing yourself to people is very insecure.
And Im not a socuck. If he was me he'd proclaim himself smart

2018-10-28 08:26:45 UTC  

I'll even count someone who's understood and read fascist theory, capitalist theory, etc. as intellectuals

2018-10-28 08:26:46 UTC  

its a stupid argument

2018-10-28 08:27:00 UTC  

No anyone who refuses to read theory is smarter