Message from @Amos

Discord ID: 513390237280632852

2018-11-17 16:17:16 UTC  


2018-11-17 16:19:27 UTC  

@Musketar (Alex) Akstinat says that Marx and Engels lived like parasites, claiming money from others and condemning them for their lifestyle at the same time. In the Eastern bloc they would have been worshiped as gods, but in fact they were not good models. According to Akstinat, the problem at the time of the Eastern Bloc was that it was published only very selectively via Marx and Engels - in fact only what suited the Communist rulers. This resulted in a completely wrong picture of the two. In reality, they did not care much about understanding between nations, much more they had blasphemed about foreign peoples and even had been very German-patriotic. A Soviet scientist who eagerly and curiously archived and wrote down all the statements of Marx and Engels was executed on Stalin's orders.

2018-11-17 16:19:29 UTC  

In fascism and nazism chovinism and racial discrimination is secondary thing. First is social nature which is about get capitalism out of crisis.

2018-11-17 16:19:32 UTC  

all of

2018-11-17 16:19:39 UTC  

my sources are German

2018-11-17 16:20:43 UTC  

@Amos From who to who letters and year. In USSR was made full translation in Russian of works and letters.

2018-11-17 16:21:15 UTC  

Did a little reading about these nazis, they seem like bad guys

2018-11-17 16:21:53 UTC  

@Musketar (Alex) Akstinat says that today many journalists would only reproduce what fits their own worldview. But if one really cares about a neutral overall picture of the two, then one can also discover the hitherto repressed sides of Marx and Engels.

2018-11-17 16:23:22 UTC  

„Alles, was ich weiß, ist, dass ich kein ‚Marxist‘ bin!“ (Karl Marx in Marx-Engels-Werke 37, S. 450)

„Die Franzosen brauchen Prügel“ (Karl Marx zum Deutsch-Französischen Krieg)

„Ich habe einen sicheren Plan entworfen, Deinem Alten Geld auszupressen.“ (Karl Marx in einem Brief an Engels)

„Komplettere Esel als diese Arbeiter gibt es wohl nicht.“ (Marx über die Menschen, die seine „Revolution“ verwirklichen sollten)

„Ich dehne diesen Band (des Kapitals) mehr aus, da die deutschen Hunde den Wert der Bücher nach dem Kubikinhalt schätzen.“ (Karl Marx)

2018-11-17 16:23:22 UTC  

I want original letter not another fake

2018-11-17 16:23:34 UTC  
2018-11-17 16:24:03 UTC  

@Musketar (Alex) I don´t think that you can speak German

2018-11-17 16:24:55 UTC  

How most of this quotes connected to antisemitism and racism?

2018-11-17 16:26:07 UTC  

The letters and articles also show that Marx was a pronounced anti-Semite and racist. He wrote to his political friend Arnold Ruge how "disgusting" he was with "the Israelite faith." His text "To the Jewish Question" (1843) lays the spiritual foundations for pure anti-Semitic hate: "What is the secular reason of Judaism?" The practical need, the self-interest, what is the secular worship of the Jews, the chess, which is its temporal God ? The money." Marx's passages about Jews sometimes read like Nazi original texts. Judaism is "a universal contemporary anti-social element." In Jewish religion, "contempt for theory, art, history, and humanity is an end in itself." Even "the woman is deceived."

His letters also expose Marx as racists. Thus, Ferdinand Lassalle, the founder of the General German Workers' Association and political competitor of Marx, because of his Jewish origins only as Jüdel Braun, Ephraim Gescheit and Itzig is denigrated. After Lasalle visited him in London in 1862, Marx insulted him as a "Jewish Nigger Lasalle," and wrote: "It is now quite clear to me that, as his hair and head are, he is descended from Negroes who follow the trait of the Moses from Egypt joined in. Well, this combination of Judaism and Germanism with the Negroid ground substance must produce a strange product. "The boy's importunity is also nigger." Even his own son-in-law Paul Lafarge, whose mother was a Cuban creole, he humiliated in a letter to his daughter Jenny as "Negrillo" and "descendant of a gorilla."

2018-11-17 16:27:48 UTC  

@Amos thankfully our jewish bolsheviks we in Russia study German and French. And we beat up civilizators from West like nazis and their collaborators.

2018-11-17 16:28:17 UTC  

@Amos you didn't read work about Jewish question))

2018-11-17 16:28:31 UTC  

There was no antisemitism

2018-11-17 16:29:27 UTC  

look them up

2018-11-17 16:29:30 UTC  


2018-11-17 16:29:50 UTC  

It's like claim that Lenin was rusophob when argues about orthodox religion and Great-Russian chovinism

2018-11-17 16:30:35 UTC  

stop saying shit

2018-11-17 16:30:56 UTC  

You now doing this

2018-11-17 16:31:14 UTC  


2018-11-17 16:31:34 UTC  

I thought that you can speak German

2018-11-17 16:31:38 UTC  

do it

2018-11-17 16:49:08 UTC  

Nice try bro but there is no original works and letters from where they were taken.

2018-11-17 16:49:57 UTC  

i can read it

2018-11-17 16:50:03 UTC  

im german

2018-11-17 16:50:46 UTC  

I can read in German a little bit too)

2018-11-17 16:54:00 UTC  

german is crap

2018-11-17 16:54:03 UTC  

And none of this quotes again have about anitsemitism, racism, chovinism and so on. Even if he actually was angry on Frenchmen like this this isn't about he is Frenchphob this is about that he thinks they doing wrong in revolutionary tactics which is about success of revolution in Europe at general.

2018-11-17 16:54:07 UTC  

shit language

2018-11-17 16:54:09 UTC  

learn farsi

2018-11-17 16:59:59 UTC  

@Deleted User learn kurd

2018-11-17 17:00:07 UTC  


2018-11-17 17:00:51 UTC  

"Antisemitism" in "On the Jewish Question" was about that Bruno Bauer argued that Jews must become christians to become Prussian citizens while Marx argued about that Jews must emancipate from religion at all and state must become secular, he write in that way experience of United States and France if I remember where state and citizenship emancipated from religion.

"Since in civil society the real nature of the Jew has been universally realized and secularized, civil society could not convince the Jew of the unreality of his religious nature, which is indeed only the ideal aspect of practical need. Consequently, not only in the Pentateuch and the Talmud, but in present-day society we find the nature of the modern Jew, and not as an abstract nature but as one that is in the highest degree empirical, not merely as a narrowness of the Jew, but as the Jewish narrowness of society.

Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism – huckstering and its preconditions – the Jew will have become impossible, because his consciousness no longer has an object, because the subjective basis of Judaism, practical need, has been humanized, and because the conflict between man’s individual-sensuous existence and his species-existence has been abolished.

The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism"

2018-11-17 17:44:30 UTC  

^did not read

2018-11-17 18:06:04 UTC  

@Maoistcentury [1997um] i raped your little brother