Message from @Borzo
Discord ID: 516497600271220736
im of the belief that nahtze germany was not fascist .but was non marxist socialist with a mixed economy .mixed economy during the peace times .im currently researching this
What are you using
nahtzee* ops typo 😡
I'll send you a link later.
using what
To a place.
I don't want people going on there and attacking it.
Since you continue to be ignorant as to what is socialism and what isnt, just keep this in mind: DEMOCRATIC people republic of Korea
thats a strawmen
Its a horse because seaHORSE
This isn't about socialism,
false equivalence
I was trying to explain somewhat of Fascism.
And you kept mocking me.
im anti communism and fascism .i dont know much about fascism
Well I mean I don't think there are a lot of Alt right people here,
I've met one person.
Who hates Nergos
me thats a bad brand of charcoal
Not surprised youre an alt righter
Why you say that?
Strange how you think that.
Stirner was a socialist
He wasnt marxist
he was anarchist though
Primitivism is a form of socialism
still not marxism
Anarchism is a form of socialism
Which is why ancap is an oxymoron
👁 🔎
Anarcho feminism isnt marxism and is cancer but its still somewhat socialism
NazBol is socialism, yet extreme culturally right wing socialism
same with strasser