Message from @Adolf Hitler
Discord ID: 516497137467392011
Theyre social democrats
Whenever I say fuck national socialism every socialist says
@Borzo So since your a nut job, I guess I'm going to have to say this somewhat exactly so you won't twist my words.
“But it wasn’t real socialism”
Socialist countries include: USSR, Cuba, Mao's China, Vietnam, etc.
Facism can pick whatever economic system it chooses to benefit and situations can change it.
Whenever i say fuck capitalism every capitalist saying "but it isnt real capitalism"
@Adolf Hitler Don't you agree?
Even adolf agreed nazi germany wasnt socialist a while ago
But it can change overtime.
Capitalism is as to corporatism as horse is to seahorse
im of the belief that nahtze germany was not fascist .but was non marxist socialist with a mixed economy .mixed economy during the peace times .im currently researching this
What are you using
nahtzee* ops typo 😡
I'll send you a link later.
To a place.
I don't want people going on there and attacking it.
Since you continue to be ignorant as to what is socialism and what isnt, just keep this in mind: DEMOCRATIC people republic of Korea
thats a strawmen
Its a horse because seaHORSE
This isn't about socialism,
false equivalence
I was trying to explain somewhat of Fascism.
And you kept mocking me.
im anti communism and fascism .i dont know much about fascism
And when one refuses to actually say what socialism is, its obvious they know nothing of it
Well I mean I don't think there are a lot of Alt right people here,
I've met one person.
Who hates Nergos
me thats a bad brand of charcoal
Not surprised youre an alt righter
Why you say that?