Message from @DA GOMMIE JOO

Discord ID: 518661945184747523

2018-12-02 05:32:27 UTC  

now here's where things get interesting

2018-12-02 05:32:30 UTC  

take the LS3

2018-12-02 05:32:38 UTC asimo is the most advanced personal assistant robot

2018-12-02 05:32:39 UTC  

mount the SGR-1 on its back

2018-12-02 05:32:55 UTC  

>this nigga thinks its that simple

2018-12-02 05:32:58 UTC  

and you have something that can walk in all terrain and kill humans on sight

2018-12-02 05:33:45 UTC  

Mount an airplane to my back and i can fly

2018-12-02 05:34:20 UTC  

this is the entire machine right here

2018-12-02 05:34:52 UTC  

if you moved some of the bottom parts to a more lateral orientation then it could fit pretty comfortably on the back of an LS3

2018-12-02 05:35:32 UTC  

>what is power supply
>what is weight
>what is ammunition

2018-12-02 05:35:41 UTC  

Niggas is dumb

2018-12-02 05:35:49 UTC  


2018-12-02 05:36:02 UTC  

@PugSlugger I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are telling the truth about majoring in engineering. What role do you see automation playing in war in the near future?

2018-12-02 05:36:05 UTC  

I just posted the entire image there

2018-12-02 05:36:12 UTC  

that is the entire machine

2018-12-02 05:36:56 UTC  

@Headshots they dont teach us about philosophy lol. Although i do have to take an ethics class

2018-12-02 05:37:02 UTC  

it weighs about 110 kg

2018-12-02 05:37:11 UTC  

I dont know if itll be big

2018-12-02 05:37:24 UTC  

the LS3 can carry 180 kg

2018-12-02 05:37:26 UTC  

it will its part of the transhumanist agenda @PugSlugger

2018-12-02 05:37:35 UTC  

the robots thing is a big part of this

2018-12-02 05:37:43 UTC  

I think the next big thing which darpa is starting to overlook is human augmentation and exoskeletons

2018-12-02 05:37:45 UTC  

the LS3 would be able to carry the SGR with 70 kg to spare for ammo and batteries

2018-12-02 05:37:57 UTC  

@DA GOMMIE JOO nigga you are dumb as fuck

2018-12-02 05:38:05 UTC  

what did I get wrong

2018-12-02 05:40:17 UTC  

Will human augmentation further the class divide?

2018-12-02 05:40:25 UTC  


2018-12-02 05:40:40 UTC  

the rich will be able to afford it and the poor won't

2018-12-02 05:40:42 UTC  

simple as that

2018-12-02 05:41:45 UTC  

Indeed. How should it be regulated/controlled in a way that it doesn't make things worse? Offer augmentation through government programs? Limit it? Ban it? I'm not so sure.

2018-12-02 05:44:13 UTC  

It also depends on the type of augmentation as well

2018-12-02 05:44:27 UTC  

@DA GOMMIE JOO that robot needs waaaaaay more than 70kg of batteries to power it. Also that sentry gun is not designed to fire on an unstable surface or move. These arent just plug and play systems and the sgr is still top secret so we cant tell what its actual capabilities even are

2018-12-02 05:46:42 UTC  

Meanwhile a human in an exoskeleton can become the control unit for the entire unit and can put the saved weight into armor, somthing that your plan lacks. That gun or robot has no armor whatsoever.

2018-12-02 05:47:26 UTC  

Even getting a human into a suit of armor that makes him impervious to small arms would change war

2018-12-02 05:47:54 UTC  

But no, these dumb niggas want their robot fanfics to be real

2018-12-02 05:48:09 UTC  

I can't find anything on what battery the SGR-1 uses

2018-12-02 05:48:28 UTC  

I can almost guarantee you its externally powered

2018-12-02 05:48:58 UTC  

I don't see a plug on that full body shot

2018-12-02 05:49:26 UTC  

Thats a display