Message from @Jew S U P R E M E

Discord ID: 526235808055951372

2018-12-23 03:10:51 UTC

2018-12-23 03:10:59 UTC  

Seen that already

2018-12-23 03:11:03 UTC  

Those fish look yum

2018-12-23 03:11:10 UTC  

To be honest, yeah.

2018-12-23 03:11:10 UTC  

Real talk everyone attacks the gulag but it had been a thing under the Tsar for century and when implemented by the Soviet Union had a 2% death rate as opposed to a 25% rate that it had before the revolution

2018-12-23 03:11:13 UTC  

The fish does look good.

2018-12-23 03:11:14 UTC  

@Borzo where did you get the images for capitalism's death toll

2018-12-23 03:11:24 UTC  

@TheTeacher Huge catch too

2018-12-23 03:11:29 UTC  
2018-12-23 03:11:37 UTC  

imagine their forearms after catching those sons of bitches lol

2018-12-23 03:11:43 UTC  

It's almost like the Gulags were just prison and everyone blows this shit out of proportion.

2018-12-23 03:11:48 UTC  


2018-12-23 03:11:53 UTC  


2018-12-23 03:12:01 UTC  

>capitalists show evidence of over 90 million killed
>commies claim that private ownership of the means of production killed 1.5 billion people unironically

2018-12-23 03:12:16 UTC  

Wow, you can't read.

2018-12-23 03:12:17 UTC  

@Borzo thank you for this

2018-12-23 03:12:18 UTC  

Wait a prison where the criminals actually contribute back to society?

2018-12-23 03:12:37 UTC  

Dude, puggie. If you need help with your reading comprehension I can help. I work well with special needs people like you.

2018-12-23 03:13:02 UTC  

>Pug claims capitalism has killed 0 people

2018-12-23 03:13:06 UTC  


2018-12-23 03:13:13 UTC

2018-12-23 03:13:30 UTC  

the communist death toll list literally includes the number of abortions had within the country as "people murdered by communism"

2018-12-23 03:14:01 UTC  

Fucking lol

2018-12-23 03:14:09 UTC  

Well, to be fair pro lifers do that now too

2018-12-23 03:14:18 UTC  

They claim abortion nowadays is genocide

2018-12-23 03:14:18 UTC  

Capitalism doesnt perscribe the government to kill those that resist theft and redistribution

2018-12-23 03:14:19 UTC  

It also counted Mao's 1 child policy for all the children not born

2018-12-23 03:14:34 UTC  

The famine caused by and combined with the deaths of the Opium Wars and the Taiping Rebellion
60 million dead

Atrocities in the Congo Free State
15 million dead

Second Congo War
3.8 million dead

Indonesian mass killings of 1965–1966
3 million dead

Bengal famine of 1943
2.1 million dead

Second Sudanese Civil War
2 million dead

Upper Doab famine
2 million dead

2 million dead

Highland Potato Famine
1.5 million

Armenian Genocide
1.5 million dead

Great Famine (Ireland)
1 million dead

20th century Destruction of indigenous peoples in Brazil
800,000 dead

Greek genocide
750,000 dead

Qey Shibir
750,000 dead

White Terror (Spain)
400,000 dead

Occupation of East Timor
300,000 dead

KMT Surpression
300,000 dead

Korea Bodo League massacre
300,000 dead

Assyrian genocide
300,000 dead

Guatemalan genocide
200,000 dead

War in the Vendée
200,000 dead

Anfal campaign
180,000 dead

Algerian War
150,000 dead

150,000 dead

West Papua Genocide
100,000 dead

Great Famine of Mount Lebanon
200,000 dead

Darfur conflict
200,000 dead

Morocco famine
200,000 dead

Dersim rebellion
110,000 dead

Sri Lankan Civil War
100,000 dead

Equatorial Guinea
80,000 dead

Salvadoran Civil War
80,000 dead

Internal Conflict Peru
70,000 dead

Burundian genocides
50,000 dead

White Terror (Taiwan)
30,000 dead

Parsley massacre
30,000 dead

1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners
30,000 dead

1932 Salvadoran peasant massacre
30,000 dead

Dirty War
30,000 dead

20,000 dead

Thailand Communist Suppression Operations Command
3,041 dead

Sikh Genocide of 1984
2,800 dead

Petrus killings

Combined worker deaths in United States labor disputes
1,232 dead

2018-12-23 03:14:37 UTC  

Ha! Oh, he is so naive.

2018-12-23 03:14:45 UTC  

I made this list a while ago for direct deaths from capitalism

2018-12-23 03:15:09 UTC  

And I didn't even count this

2018-12-23 03:15:21 UTC  

Mine was just since the creation of communism though

2018-12-23 03:15:30 UTC  

so its a fair comparison

2018-12-23 03:15:44 UTC  

I am happy we're pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan. I hope Rojava, Syria, and Russia can work something out and I hope that fascist dipshit Erdogan doesn't try something stupid.

2018-12-23 03:15:48 UTC

2018-12-23 03:15:55 UTC  

Though, I think Erdogan is gonna try some dumb shit.

2018-12-23 03:16:03 UTC  


2018-12-23 03:16:06 UTC  

I found out that

2018-12-23 03:16:10 UTC  

My cousin is reactionary

2018-12-23 03:16:16 UTC  

Memes aside