Message from @PugSlugger

Discord ID: 528402486457794639

2018-12-29 02:39:52 UTC  

What does that have to do with the ideology not existing?

2018-12-29 02:40:00 UTC  

it does not exist

2018-12-29 02:40:07 UTC  

Was GLR not a natsoc?

2018-12-29 02:40:26 UTC  

theres just people who study nahtzee germany and the ideology of nahtzee germany

2018-12-29 02:40:54 UTC  

Ok so the ideology does exist?

2018-12-29 02:40:57 UTC  


2018-12-29 02:41:04 UTC  

What are you talking about?

2018-12-29 02:41:09 UTC  

figure it out yourself 😃

2018-12-29 02:41:20 UTC  


2018-12-29 02:41:26 UTC  


2018-12-29 02:41:30 UTC  

hate speech!

2018-12-29 02:41:38 UTC  

If i believe in natsoc ideology than im a nazi

2018-12-29 02:41:39 UTC  

weee woo wee wooo adl

2018-12-29 02:41:49 UTC  

If im a communist im a communist

2018-12-29 02:42:00 UTC  

How does it not exist?

2018-12-29 02:42:08 UTC  

its much different .nahtzees dont exist anymore but commies do

2018-12-29 02:42:13 UTC  


2018-12-29 02:42:18 UTC  

And why is that?

2018-12-29 02:42:27 UTC  

figure it out yourself 😃

2018-12-29 02:42:37 UTC  

Fuck off nigger

2018-12-29 02:42:50 UTC  

Backup your claims

2018-12-29 02:43:00 UTC  

use the telescope

2018-12-29 02:43:04 UTC  

Anarchism is pretty cool

2018-12-29 02:43:29 UTC  

Its pretty cool if you like killing priests

2018-12-29 02:44:37 UTC  

I do

2018-12-29 03:20:17 UTC  

@PugSlugger if you believe in communism it doesn't make you a communist automatically. It is one of the points to qualify so to say. But only that point is not enough.

2018-12-29 03:22:06 UTC  

You got to study a lot, know your shit and actually do what you preach. Lenin made a statement to consider only comrades who pay dues, having an active membership in communist organization

2018-12-29 03:22:15 UTC  

And many other things

2018-12-29 03:22:23 UTC  

To just qualify for

2018-12-29 03:24:53 UTC  

You might as well be a unicorn if you believe in it <:troll:312064734113431553>

2018-12-29 03:25:41 UTC  

Hitler with the essay incoming

2018-12-29 03:46:58 UTC  

then it gets into the question of what does someone have to do in order to be considered a nahtzee like read mein kampf(many historians read the mein kampf book so they can better understand adolf hitler and where he was coming from and some read it in order to then write a book about what they thought about the book and give us their own interpretations) like do the nahtzee salute(anyone can accidentally raise one of their hands like this and someone passing by will say theyre a nahtzee or someone can do it just to make fun of the nahtzees and this has been done in several movies .and its just an arm gesture which humans in specific europeans have used the roman salute for hundreds of years as a hand gesture to greet each other just like the good bye hand gesture .and it was also used in ancient times to show the person you are trading something with that you do not have any weapon in your hand.and the people in fascist italy also used the roman salute .and many people around the world today use the roman salute like in the syrian army in specific) like using the swastika (which is an ancient symbol of the ancient aryan people and has been used all over the world .archeologists have found this symbol carved on many places all over the world like on ancient clay pots,floor tiles,statues,etc .it is also a symbol that is widely used in the hindu,buddhism religion you can find it carved on many buddha statue and other ones .i still havent investigated what the meaning of the swastika was in nahtzee germany was they viewed it like

2018-12-29 03:47:08 UTC  

all people around the ancient world viewed it as a symbol of peace,positivity,of the sun,etc .and theres also the hitler mustauche charly chaplin had it and many people today have it so does that mean all people with the hitler mustache is literally hitler .and theres people like historians that collect many footage(like hitler speeches),artworks,statues,sculptures,photos,etc from nahtzee germany in order to investigate how lie and things were in this great civilization and then like share to the world their thoughts about this civilization and their interpretations .there are also museums that you can visit that was created for the purpose of teaching people in this post ww2 world how

2018-12-29 03:47:17 UTC  

things were like in nahtzee germany some of the things this museum include are photos of the leaders,artifacts,sculptures,cars,artwork,photos,art(paintings),books,statues,music,symbols,military information,that race realist chart i forgot what its called,etc .and there will always be people that will try to shut down the museum with the pretext that its creating hateful people and is spreading hate .but the real reason these people want to shut it down is to erase history these same people are perfectly fine with all those holocaust museums that are showing the world a really big lie about nahtzee germany .something that did not happen in nahtzee germany .the owner of the museum is just trying to preserve everything that is available about nahtzee germany and people can interpret and come to their own conclusion about nahtzee germany thats all

2018-12-29 03:47:36 UTC  

does he just have all of this in notepad or something?

2018-12-29 03:47:41 UTC  
2018-12-29 03:48:34 UTC  

yeah i started writing in my notepad because i reached the character limit on the discord chat

2018-12-29 03:49:12 UTC  


2018-12-29 03:49:12 UTC  

dumb dumb @DA GOMMIE JOO

2018-12-29 03:49:42 UTC  

oh okay so you probably have the normal amount of fingers

2018-12-29 03:52:43 UTC  

There's the essay!