Message from @Apple Pie
Discord ID: 530164697799065610
Hail Shekel
So you brought in another strawmen argument
as he isnt behind shit hes in the daylight and not sceming like a jew. at least not in the example that you gave
Or of jewish deacent
so try again and show a situation in which someone is jewing the ppl
and the worst thing you came up with, abolishing the parliment
@Apple Pie Those are the ones im talking about
i cant stop jewing around when there are jews around
Ok then yes you're correct
My family came to the US in the 19th century
While ya all are having a discussion I will be **COLLECTIVIZING THE AGRICULTURE IN UKRAINE**
Polish and German blood
holodomor 2?
@Apple Pie So you are a gem too
Holodomor is a myth
Ok, this is epic
@Stalin And you are the second evilest man in history with 1 death and 50 million kills
Seriously is Hitler the most evil man because he killed jews
In a nutshell, yes
The most evil man was Martin Luther
Really puts things in perspective
The most evil woman was Anita Sarkeesian
Hitler was shit compared to him
Stalin was pissed about the ppl in the ukrain dying
Nah fam the kulaks deserved it
Then just take all that away
Wow so smart thank you based Daddy Stalin