Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 530439696925589504
enema means to was out your ass with water to get the poo out so you can be sodomized by another man
thats what the E means in mr e
i love me some sodomy
makes sense
mr e is a neckbeard from 4chan
no it mean enema not enigma
Mr. E: BMI of 50
no it means enema, retard
no it means Mr. Erudite
Ahhh your that gay guy that broke enigma from the imitation game @Mr. X
mr e i HATE you
Mr. E is a genius
mr. enema
you should because ill make you cry
im going to sodomize you mr e
im glad i finally found you after all these months
now im going to fucking torment you
dont tell me what to do
sodomize me mr e
dont try to make me commit suicide again you scumbag
commit suicide user bazza
no i will not do it
Why do you people suck this dudes dick so much? Lmao
I don’t know man, they should just ignore him
Who? Mr. Erudite?
mr enema
i'm a big fan of his work
Yeah I bet
How do I work for the ADL?
Enigma was a computer with a encryption code that blocked the allies from listening to the Nazi messages
tfw not born a kike
yeah me either
God I really love love LOVE jewish people 😉