Message from @DA GOMMIE JOO
Discord ID: 530538831540125699
National """"Socialism"""""
"national socialism" is what the nazis called their version of fascism
It's not marxist socialism
It isn't socialism at all
It's fascism
Marxists use linguistics as a tool to manipulate idiots.
"better" as in they're disassociating themselves with the name and terms of fascism
That is the genius of Marx.
you ever talk to a nazi?
"National socialism is socialism because it's in da name"
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth"
"stop calling me a nazi I'm a natsoc you fucking kike"
"it's not fascism it's national socialism"
that kind of shit pops up a lot
Do you people ever go on /pol/ or 8/pol/?
I have
Gotta love dr Seuss
not denying that but I've seen it
I'm not all that educated on Facism vs National Socialism
they're basically the same
Societies based on Multiculturalism will always fail
Take that to the bank lole
it's rare enough to find someone who identifies as "national socialist" or "third position"
Probably because all of academia censors them
well as in someone who identifies as that and actually tries to talk theory
Antifa is essentially the militant arm of Marxist education.
@Apple Pie no dude that's death grips
Death Grips isn't political
death grips is the militant arm of the left
"hurr they have satanic imagery"
Plenty of alt right people like Death Grips
Their music is pretty good
Should a Marxist steal literally everything in a capitalist society?
Considering that the labor of the proletariat was used to create whatever product was produced.