Message from @Nayf
Discord ID: 556144216921735168
Jews are nice people
I know many Jews
This is gold
christians are dumb fucks what are we even talking about
@Golda Meir (People Unite) do you think believing jews are more clever than average person is antisemitic
jews are nice ppl in your face. they wil jew you
Christians , Muslims, and Jews worship the same God
basic instinct
@Sado what do you mean
What no
Jews have never wronged me
christians are not fragmented. you have ppl who are christians who are fragmented
christians are not
you are to dum to realize you got ripped of them
mosanto is jewish owned
they gave every one cancer
My gf says she likes jews cos they are very intelligent
Does that sound antisemitic to jews? @Golda Meir (People Unite)
I don’t see how it is anti-Semitic @Sado
most proccesed food companies are jewish owned, they made you fat
I'm parroting this clown
Oh ok
I am not fat lol
media is mostly in jewish hands, they lie to you
Okay let’s see
I eat spam
What is spam made out of
are you saying islam is not united
@Offender lol you make Jews into gods
Tell me how 14 million people rule the earth lol
just because they own things they are ods?
whats wrong with you
Its not jewswho are gods its the whiteys who are useless cattle