Message from @INNYGMATYK
Discord ID: 657506171707588621
> i did a thing
just clicked
I'm actually smitten - he so fet
He’s got big paws
He’s going to be a fucking horse
Suzie (f) is allowed the people foods
I've never been friends with this dog before and she is my best friend for the interim now.
he gonn GIT ITTTT
found a little weenie boogster, look at the little fuark
So proud
Is it any good?
Surprisingly it's very good
Should've shaken it a bit before drinking but still good shit
Only thing i got from ded are donuts
I just drink loca moca like a semi boomer
Leo (m) is too energetic for poses - but he's a beautiful mutt
more random doges
So many cute cats and dogs
Hims is sleeping still
Got mine with her touge out
@Trash Squid how did you like the interview?