Message from @INNYGMATYK
Discord ID: 655638391144185886
@Rogal Dorn The Autistic BC bud - find me where the Sun kisses the Pacific
( wrong coast for a blue blud tbh )
YOO Fellow BC bro
@Rogal Dorn The Autistic fuck you where.
I thought you were Montreal.
im not a filthy frenchie! but i was from BC but i dont live there right now unfortunately
How many timezones over? @Rogal Dorn The Autistic
Say "" Onterrible "" and I promise both of us will go shove @thedarkness05 up @Hellhound6 's Singularity Complex
lol ur right im in Onterrible
press f for me
Guess I have more plans to make 👀
@INNYGMATYK where am I getting shoved? Need to know if I should pack boot bands or not
( Friend's dog - no data )
9 wk old rotator
> i did a thing
just clicked
I'm actually smitten - he so fet
He’s got big paws
He’s going to be a fucking horse
Suzie (f) is allowed the people foods
I've never been friends with this dog before and she is my best friend for the interim now.
he gonn GIT ITTTT
found a little weenie boogster, look at the little fuark
So proud
"" *The past never makes the man - it's what he choose to do with it.* ""