Message from @thej4ckyl
Discord ID: 625584753709678593
Is it basically the first one?
Anyone play overwatch on xb1?
Overwatch no xb1 ues
Any Rising Storm 2 players here?
i got a whole gang of goons to play RS2 with
You know what?
We should play Deep Rock Galactic
Space mining dwarves!
Wheres that super minimalistic (((jew))) picture at?
I thought i saved it, but apparently not
There ya go, pal
I love you
Love u too bb UWU
@Sir Harndes i think i Will get Deep rock with my next paycheck are you still down to play?
Course m8
Playing right now
Anyone playing tarkov hmu
Anyone checked out greedfall?
The only brit i don't want to beat
Good shit. But I cant stand his hatred for coffee. He does win points for corgis though
I agree. Coffee isnthe shit
Willne isn’t too bad; but he’s a commentator not a gamer.
I watch YouTube to learn new ways to make explosives tbh
Lmao, I dig it. I usually stick to Econ/history/pol lectures with sprinklings of gaming here and there
@VI/K/INGinnaTRENCH/K/OAT you sub to a channel called explosions and fire? Its some Aussie garage chemist who makes boom boom rocks
I love explosions and fire
I just recently found him
I actually tried the willy pete recipe. Mad dangerous, but fun
10/10 would not do again unless I need to for science
or minecraft
Im gonna do it
lmk how it goes. Also well ventilated areas
Like I've been meaning to get back into rocketry, so I'm thinking a sugar solid fuel would be good
Im doing it outside without a doubt
Thats my domain
ya ol have we got any destiny 2 clan ? cus i can link here mine own and rebrandit for patriots