Message from @jaruspk
Discord ID: 659844358639452160
The future is now
*i don't want to live on this planet anymore*
Make it a pcc then itd be worth it
Plus 1 on 7.62
Vs 5.45
Also underfolder gang
All Kalashnikova lives matter tho
I need a klesch.
@thedarkness05 I do want one of those micros, not a gold one unfortunately tho
I need an arsenal krink
So hawt
and its gona be next to go rifle for naval specnaz
you mean country or unit or what?
All of it.
Fill me in
russian naval infantry special operation units(naval spetsnaz) gona switch from akm, and ak103 to this
about this transitions you can read on milimag twitter and site
Huh...that's odd
I'll believe it when I see it though. It is russia after all
Wtf is going on with that barrel?
Its a muzzle device
What it do?
Is it like a flash hider?
Idk. Its either a brake or a comp
I would love to get my hands all over it
Its pretty fuckin sexy
i mean designe is similar but those holes
I don't think it gets much better imo
@jaruspk I have one. Shits cash. Havent used it under nods yet.
Dis my AR. Need sling. Have typical sling loop thang in front of the foregrip and what I believe are holes to insert quick disconnects on either side of lower right before where the buffer tube starts. Also typical holes in magpul stock where slings I assume can be attached as well. Want a 2 point sling. Give me suggestions on what to do
Vickers combat sling works great
You’ll have to excuse my ignorance on the topic of slings but is there some kind of clip dealy I can attach to a sling so I can attach it to this hole here