Message from @Hellhound6
Discord ID: 603335975891894284
If they not already have
But I’m not doing anything illegal
Nor me
I’ve already been exposed by my school for a potential school shooter
I pulled the second amendment and state law on them
I was allowed to have guns in my room
And according to state law since my dad gave it to me it’s legal
Since I can't own firearms due to my country laws, i can't confirm nor deny that i may or may not have manufactured an assortment of [toys]
But if anyone is interested on said manuals and files my telegram alias is @f9hbx9HnBR
Telegram is your best bet. Its heavily encrypted specifically for shit like this
Love telegram
If you feds are reading this, go fuck yerselves
You ain't getting me!
Telegram ?
Like whatsapp
But better
*ATF has entered the server*
*FBI has entered the server*
*Homeland Security has entered the server*
>Alexa play Fortunate son
>Give dog the command word to run for the woods.
>load 25 rnd mags into rifle
>Screan cowabunga it is
If you see homie rocking full multi cams and an AK that’s me
I will never not deviate from multicam ty
This channel is how I’m gonna lose my security clearance
LOL what is a P status at the board anyways
If you really feel that way though, try for the most 'Special' of your forces
With a few ins on MARSOC, I know most fall in that M81 or even OD green category
Wut you mean p status
How is promotable relevant
Idk man I’m just a multicam slut
Woodland is lit and all but it’s just not my vibe
There have been people who have lost their P status and even seperated over 'ties to supremacy'
All I am saying is be careful- your life matters more than you being in this discord
Oh yeah. Gotcha. I just lurk here for the most part
This isn't a supremacy discord