Message from @Trash Squid
Discord ID: 606639116276465685
The edition comes with an actual, fully functional working set of NVGs that according to the developers can actually be mounted on a "tactical helmet"!
Confirmed by the fucking livestream of the multiplayer reveal I'm watching right fuckin' now!
Even if you already have NVGs, buy the edition anyway so you can make memes about how you boogalooed in fucking poorfag video game edition NVGs against dudes in full tactical gear with top of the line equipment
How much is the dark edition?
200 lmao
Not sure, but I imagine somewhere between $60 and $100 give or take, maybe a little over $100
Oh shit
I mean hey, don't authentic NVGs retail for way higher?
Or scavange during the boogaloo
I see your point but think logically
>decide to scavenge during the Boogaloo for NVGs and take the risk of not only finding some fucker who doesn't need em anymore and possibly get merced in the process
>shell out 200 shekels for a video game that comes with a cheap pair to start with when the Boogaloo goes down to give you an edge and increasing your chances of actually scavenging the good shit, also while getting a cool looking game a part of which the proceeds go to help vets find jobs
I cant use NVGs honestly
Glasses. Blind without them
thats neat though i'm about to get radios for comms
also baofangs radios are gonna be banned in sept
i suggest picking up a pair
being a comms boi in the navy i'm a tad savy on radios and know tons of code and lingo so one with HAM is pretty lit for me
Baofang radios are being banned? Why?
FCC wants them gone becase they are a cheep easy way for people to use ham radio without a license
Fuck the FCC, they can suck my star spangled dick
my reaction exactly, and thats why i'm buying some
i found a slitley cheeper company tha has the same radio just cheeper
Which company?
We gotta figure out something else too
How are we gonna deal with electronic jammers?
track them down
Good plan lol
its not to hard to do just gotta listen to the static and as it gets more dense its closer, just a game of hot and cold
you can use static to see if you have gps on your car aswell
like a tracker
Huh. You learn something new every day
yee i'm into radio and tech stuff for obvious reasons lol