Message from @wendiko
Discord ID: 643320499031769123
Alright, now hear me out but I think we should all do a lil chemistry
Meth is the best combat drug
I promise when i was on that shit, no one could stop me from doing what i pleased.
I had to fight a meth head at work
It took me and six cops
That sounds like a great time
Boys my local goon troop is goin well so far should be meeting one or two tonight, everyone is clikin good
That's good to hear
My goon troop is just me and a buddy who are raging drunks when we get together
I went searching for dudes, surprisingly one had 1-2 outta the 20+ i talked to that were to sketched to reply or havent noticed
That’s fair, I mean my partner and I joke about shit like that at work
Idk if he will back during the boog tho
Just gotta try
t b c h ; it's not like any single person or group is actually (**fully**) prepared
Tis why i wanna build a farm so i can at least potentially have my own fob and stay secure.
Well I feel better bout ny after this weekend
Gonna cross train with some solid homies in the next few months
Hell yea
There's a lot of people logging in lately.
And not just normies too
Epstein is the key man.
Well memes mostly, but yeah
Even the pure academic definition of memes. Harnessing that kind of power in an organic nature is how we can fight the good fight
The Interner is the last (but the first, ***truly***) free market.
Lets make sure it stays that way
I expect we'll have to start over at least once
But let those hard and early ""new"" days be celebrated with freedom and optimism - not slavery and obligation.
Yee yee
Welp time to start training with my 30-30 lever action that’s made to kill a bear because it’s cheaper to shoot than my ar is
My ar is chambers in 300 black