Message from @thatgoonsteve42
Discord ID: 588827520967901188
shits tough man my legs are gassed
I did it too
And i feel you man
That’s like 50 bucks @Trash Squid
Sorry 106
this work ouit plan has no cardio
Lol fuck yeah sign me up lmao
its neat dued its a pay what you want pdf
barbaric rites
Ill check it out
just meat and potatos lifting
ya its neat af
Real goon hours
Your boi needs more weight, only got this to start with but I can't reach my deadlift max
So some of y’all are on that barbaric rites. I’m on that tactical monster
Yeet doing barbaric rites right now actually lol
How is tactical monster
“There is no reason to be alive if you can’t do the deadlift!”
My favorite lift
It’s fucking great. I like the program. I’ve done it before
I used to not like legs and such but tbh I enjoy squats and deads to bench now
12 week plan and then this time after I’m done I’m doing their lean machine program
I live for leg day
My bench is shit
But back and legs gets it done
Would love leg day if I haven't a fucked up knee
Same here lol , left shoulder is shitty so bench isn't as fun
I do more fighting than lifting
But I'll try to do both
Same @Trash Squid
I’m happy to see the army incorporating deadlifts in their new pt test
Yall out here being goons and lifting and shit
And I'm just fucking noping