Message from @queefburgler
Discord ID: 607981525127921674
I'm not implying you did xD
They have a particular case and that is allright
Acknowledging the way that the industry promotes human trafficking and all kinds of abuse, won't solve the problems of many people and ultimately safe and ethical practices
I have personally nothing against sex work if proper regulation is placed, but atm that's not the way it works in the rest of the world, and the stigma (imo) is well deserved
Ok, I'm going to a clinic
A friend of mine is going with me
Im in the clinic
Wish me luck
Im fucking scared
Nothing bad will happen, chill out
I cried
I am, btw
I hate diseases
You're going to be fine, just take a deep breath. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth
Hate going to hospital
So far, i havent met anyone that likes diseases
Unless you're a plague Marine
Steel yourself like a man and prepare for the results that will most likely clear you anyway.
Don't have good memories when hospital comes to mind
Negative result
Looks like I didn't get exposed
good for you tho bro
The doctor told people can still have a disease, even when It shows nothing
But at the same hand she told she never saw anything like it since she's a doctor
Good on you m8
Don't stick your pecker in dirty hookers
Hey bois. Hows the day?
Im done with work and been here since 3 its now 6 my tine
And by d9ne i mean ready to quit
That sucks, bro.
I thought I had a pretty productive day, until I was informed I almost got myself and my boss and my boss's boss fired.
Those are the best days
Today was very inproductive
Like many days
Damn, my boss drinks at work
I’d drink at work too if they let me
Well i work in the service department of a ford dealership
Today at work wasn't too bad
Worst thing was a dually with a super messed up tire