Message from @Capn' P
Discord ID: 610546729023963147
Today at work wasn't too bad
Worst thing was a dually with a super messed up tire
Ahhh yeah that’s a little irresponsible then
Then he droves home, he has d4iven from the bar to here drunk as fuck before
Annnnnnnd I created a non fake fb account and sent friend requests to my family members. Gonna talk with'em and see what I can get
Yeah, sounding like a mercenarie, a scrub or just an opportunistic idiot, but I need to lift up my stakes
Didn't use to talk to them much. I deleted my old account 'cause I was really tired of getting messages and shit
But as I said, can't just wait for things to happen
I feel so lonely... i work so much and dont have hobbies or friends... and I firmly believe im going to die alone, a V, and before I turn 30... only 10 years left my dudes...
Vent closed.
@PanzerWrecker shit iwork hellas too. Go get drunk
Go to a bar with some of your coworkers panzer
Better than sitting around depressed. I force myself to party and get outside as much as possible for that reason
I work by myself for my entire shift. I don't really have friends. I just stay busy working on cars/trucks, doing stuff in the woods like practicing my stealth and camoflague, or messing with guns.
My boss drove to work from the bar drunk last night with his 5 or 6 yr old son in the back seat, orders a lyft on the company dime and goes hime
Im not old enough to drink yet... and i kinda want to save the experience as my 21st is my golden birthday (turning the age of the day you're born on)
Goddamn but I hate my job. Shit kakes me wanna comnit toaster bath.
Anyone else here have a shitty job?
@Capn' P I had a shitty job, now, I don't have a job at all lol
What's your job, fella?
I've been working as a custodian for 6 fucking years
I work for the gubbermint.
@Biohazard6520 oof
I work in sales in a shit location. Get on my level
Fuck this shit. Sideways. With a cactus.
I contacted the US Consulate near my city, made a question about enlistment an all. They almost said "fuck you, go contact the American Citizen Services, don't bother us"
Well that’s pretty not cash money of them
Now we wait (again) some days to see the answer
What do ya mean?
I mean they were being dicks
And not cool
Yeah like, heck
Just give a simple yes or no
But that’s the government for you