Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 560297434224525344
got a bunch of emojis for the chat, now we just need people
Gotta get our numbers up
yep i feel like since we will be posting more with 2 people our numbers will rise
We should probably start water marking our content with a little Patriot wave text down in the coroner of our art
Already thought about it.
Nice I like the one you made
Would it be cool to setup a music channel?
Go for it man
Anything you think of to improve the server just go for it
Russians must have taken out Facebook
Shits still dead
Oh we can post now, one finally went through
Yeah finally got mine to go thru after like the 5th try
About to hit 100 likes already at 100 following
Growing fast man
Break out the beers
why is that
just saw this message
Ive deactivated my fb for a bit
Been too busy with work aswell
alrighty no prob man
Well i didn't expected much but shit
ya its pretty baron my man
Give it some time it could blow up
ya just kinda made it because everyone else has one
Add some low effort roles like new fag for new ppl here
i have roles just not alot of people assgined
And add chanels for porn this kind of fb pages have shitload of degenerates
What the fuck happend i went to puke cuz i drunk as fuck right now and i somehow became commie