Message from @DAnteForneus
Discord ID: 574664619566563329
So your cat attacks you when you call her nerd?
And SCP channel is up
No, when I call her a N||ice guy||
So you want to get rid of it?
Nah. She's a lovable little bitch
But she's still a bitch
They spraying her with some water when she attacks
After some time she might learn when she gets sprayed and might stop attacking you
She's like 13. I tried that, she's too old to learn
She might stop after some time my cat attacked ppl randomly and stoped after some time so just give it some time
Wish me luck guys i have fucking finals tomorrow
Good luck with that, fuck school man
Well it in 3 days straight polish math and english later i have to talk about shit with them in polish and english then i have shit like advanced IT and advanced english
So my nearest 2/3 weeks will be fucking stressfull
And i'm most scerded of math tbh
I suck ass at math so I feel you lol
So any pro tips how to not kill myself?
I'm not going to college though that shits for nerds
Have big dick energy
Not at all
In poland i need to
IT is all about certs
I have shitload of certs
Sec+ ?
5 of those
I'm a PMC with the airforce in charge of cyber security shit
And all I got us certs
In poland i sadly need to to get work experience
without it i can't do shit
i got the experince from the navy
but you can find starter jobs
then with experince and certs just work your way up
Yea but this shitheads here don't care
I need to have work experience and they don't care how i get it
i got my bud a job at the navy support desk place as a contractor
So i need to go collage and grab some shit IT job and do it for year ortwo
to start his IT carrer