Message from @AKAlexei
Discord ID: 577607629094780993
ya its a fun time
shit i guess your fav my lose @Trash Squid
ya same here
am sad af
Eh. They were both equally decent. The chocolate chip has the benefit of retro nostalgia. I too would take chocolate chip first tho
ya i love that camo shit is fire
And I think we can all agree that rhodesian brushstroke is God tier amiright?
its gonna win
Its my fav tbh
My qualifications for a good camo are simple
Is it effective? Will I feel good wearing it? And is it nostalgia inducing?
If the answer is yes to all three, it's a good camo
3 times yes
We have a winner
it may have not won on the page buts won in my heart
I feel that
It won on here
yee yee
Well i'm slav so
Fuck it i hate it tbh
Ah perfect, an expert opinion lol
Most of it sucks rest i too expensive to use in military
Fair. I like the 90s Chechen war flora camo a lot. Shit was tight. The war was not tho
most of ppl i know from us have better gear then polish military
sadly yea
we don't really have much of an army
Y'all do nationalism the right way tho. Fuck the commies, fuck the nazis, it's all about Poland. I appreciate that.
Chocco Chip >>>>>>>>>>> Tri Color
who are these degenerates voting otherwise
It might look like it but we don't
Poland isn't in a great state right now from what i've seen
What's going on?
Really bad ppl in gov
Most of the youth is leaving
Seriously? The fuck?
Able bodied workforce is leaving in droves
They are tring to make church more important in politics and change constitution to suit them better