Message from @Biohazard6520
Discord ID: 599007834562232381
Who me?
Dammit @P I L L A R M A N beat me to it
I have USAWTF on see first on fb now
You can't beat me to their posts
Feeling weeb today, might rob a cute bank, idk
Fuck me
Some fag want me to do him a BJ for a favor
I'm kind of scared
So i should BOG him?
Or just send BOG on him?
The fuck is BOG?
I think he was talking about them
Next tattoo?
Im thinking about buying a shield and spear and learning to fight hoplite style.
Buy a scutum and a gladio and fight legionarie style
Just kidding
I have a gladius trainer already.
I can sword and board fight just fine.
Just carry a scutum when you are in a unite. Doesn't work well alone
Wish I knew
I fight hand to hand combat just fine too
Changing subject
Does anyone here want to add me on fb? I made a fake account and It's empty af
One of the top row
Lemme think
Just don't buy the lambda one, k?
Griffin one seems cool
Im thinking Bull or Griffin.
Sparta is waaaay over done so