Message from @P I L L A R M A N
Discord ID: 598944969130246167
@MistahDylan That makes sense too. But if that was the case, why is there a Sentient 70 year old warbird?
So It means that the trains who took jewish cars to concentration camps were sentient as well
As were the planes that kamikaze in the pacific
But what about the planes on 9/11 were they radicalized?
Or were they hijacked?
Radicalized prob
Now makes me wonder about the helicopters who threw commies mid flight
So I’m just taking a shit before I shower before bed. Loud cashing in my living room/kitchen. I pinch it off and walk out. Flip on the light and not a single thing is out of place. Don’t won’t leave the bathroom with me, and my cats are fluffed up.
Damn cats are doing some paranormal devil worshipping
I moded my ASG that it shoots like good bb gun
It is closest i can get to real gun
Someone come get their S3 NCOIC
He's on the ketamine again
Who me?
Dammit @P I L L A R M A N beat me to it
I have USAWTF on see first on fb now
Feeling weeb today, might rob a cute bank, idk
Fuck me
Some fag want me to do him a BJ for a favor
I'm kind of scared
So i should BOG him?
Or just send BOG on him?
The fuck is BOG?
I think he was talking about them
Next tattoo?
Im thinking about buying a shield and spear and learning to fight hoplite style.
Buy a scutum and a gladio and fight legionarie style
Just kidding
I have a gladius trainer already.