Message from @DAnteForneus

Discord ID: 601641180589064192

2019-07-19 05:00:54 UTC

2019-07-19 05:01:12 UTC  

After their last... encounter shall we say, with me. They don't typically come here

2019-07-19 05:01:57 UTC  

@Foxhound you dress like this and wait for them then.

This is me from a while back

2019-07-19 05:02:03 UTC  

Love flecktarn

2019-07-19 05:02:22 UTC  

That gun is so illegal in my state it ain't even funny

2019-07-19 05:02:25 UTC  

Standard russian camo

2019-07-19 05:02:25 UTC  

What happened @Foxhound ?

2019-07-19 05:02:45 UTC

2019-07-19 05:02:51 UTC  

Tell us this great story

2019-07-19 05:02:54 UTC  

When JWs come to my place, I give em the Kingsman speech

"Sorry, but you see I'm a Catholic whore currently enjoying Congress out of wedlock with my black, Jewish boyfriend who works in a military abortion clinic. So hail satan, and have a lovely afternoon".

Gets em every time

2019-07-19 05:03:07 UTC  

Ugh god dammit fine gimme a sec.

2019-07-19 05:03:26 UTC

2019-07-19 05:03:36 UTC  

Going to give you all a bunch of pictures my friend took

2019-07-19 05:03:50 UTC  

He likes to take pictures of things

2019-07-19 05:04:03 UTC

2019-07-19 05:04:08 UTC  


2019-07-19 05:05:26 UTC  

Well fuck now i'm sad i can't have guns

2019-07-19 05:05:53 UTC  

@Biohazard6520 T R Y M E

2019-07-19 05:06:40 UTC  

Kind of tatcicool shit you got there

2019-07-19 05:06:58 UTC  

Best loadout evah

2019-07-19 05:07:15 UTC  

But still looks dope in my book

2019-07-19 05:07:23 UTC  

So I'm chilling at home right? Maybe a year or two ago. Just getting into my nationalist bullshit at the time and full of a lot of anger. These fucks roll up and knock on my door. So I answer. I chat for andew minutes before I realize who they are.

I politely request they leave.

"No, we're here to try and save your soul."


I again ask them to leave and start closing the door. This asshole wedges his foot into the door, so I get pissed, slam it on his foot and grab him by the shirt. First guy flies away from me seeing this really pissed dude storming out of the house. I grab a fist full of his hair and drag the bastard off my porch before discarding him like yesterdays garbafe. Kid screams about filing charges when I point to my phone and inform them its been recording (it wasn't). Nibbas hightailed it out of there Rickey fucking tick

2019-07-19 05:08:26 UTC  

@Sir Harndes airsoft?

2019-07-19 05:08:27 UTC  

Top tier shit

2019-07-19 05:08:31 UTC  

So yeah. I hate JW. Add into that I saw one violently beating his daughter because she smiled at me, but was told if I intervened I would catch a case.

2019-07-19 05:08:34 UTC  


2019-07-19 05:08:48 UTC  

Can't have guns

2019-07-19 05:08:54 UTC  

Oh, why?

2019-07-19 05:09:07 UTC  

Are you eurofag like me?

2019-07-19 05:09:14 UTC  


2019-07-19 05:09:26 UTC  

I mean, I live in Brazil, but still american

2019-07-19 05:09:42 UTC  

I'm an American gopnik, I live for eastern euro trash shit

2019-07-19 05:09:54 UTC  

@AKAlexei you are slav?

2019-07-19 05:09:57 UTC  

I'm an American Wheraboo lmao

2019-07-19 05:10:02 UTC  

Well, I can have guns, but illegally

2019-07-19 05:10:07 UTC  

Easy to obtain

2019-07-19 05:10:33 UTC  

I'm american, hummm, redneck

2019-07-19 05:10:38 UTC  

That lives in the jungle

2019-07-19 05:11:10 UTC  

@Biohazard6520 not sure if I have slav in me or not, but I've been told i look like i have some of it. Couldn't tell ya. Far as I know I'm all north western european. I just have a great admiration and respect for eastern european stuff. And gopnik life is the life for me

2019-07-19 05:11:31 UTC  

Feel like an american who got lost in Vietnam, and can't go back to his home

2019-07-19 05:11:39 UTC  

You can be honorary Slav вröther @AKAlexei