Message from @Trash Squid
Discord ID: 601820837418500229
Bastards should be crucified and burned.
As far as Antifa goes, I would rather die with my hands around their throat than call any of them comrades.
And that's from my personal interraction with them and what the represent. They are unequivocally my enemy.
All I'm saying is don't go throwin around the word terrorist. The government wants that shit in place to label us all terrorists when they're the ones we all live in fear of. You can think of us as your enemy all you want, but at the end of the day we're just the dudes on the other side of the picket line you're throwin' down with. The government are the ones who are going to shoot us at some point.
Not before they keep us at eachothers throat for a good long time
Hm. That's an interesting thought.
Humor me for a sec
>socialists/communists and nazis unite to overthrow corrupt US government
>boogaloo.exe successful
>coming to the sorting table
>run diplomacy.exe
Honestly, when I think about that, the only thing that's really a source of conflict is the race shit. Give us all your jews, blacks, queers, and cripples, now how we dividing the land?
>no because godless communists
The only source of conflict lmao
I'm a bloody pagan xD
Correct me if I'm wrong but do most communists not support a globalized power base of the workers party and forcibly redistributing people property? I'll pass on that and keep my home borders locked down and pride in my own blood. You can take the jews and the queers and the cripples, but only since half of those don't produce anything for society anyways.
I'm also one of the few "radical" leftists that doesn't believe in the abolishment of private property that shit's idiotix
Tell you the truth most of em actually don't
At least not from who I've talked to
I mean sure they like communal living, communal ideals, but most are just focused on other shit
Antifa = terrorist
I've delt with then before they are just oppressive Communists
Lowe and I were just talkin' about that
If they just voiced an opinion it would be fine but they are violent and extreme
Well so is the other side. That's my point. It's a conflict. People get hurt. People fight. That's what it is. I'm making the point that if Ted Cruz and others want to start calling one side or the other terrorists, then it can be legally applied to the other side. That's how the government does shit. Prime example; VA apparently has anti-mask in public laws, right? Originally they were instituted to go after the KKK because they were doin fucked up shit. But now they use those laws to go after protesters even if they're peaceful
@AKAlexei sorry if I came off like an asshole. Going through a tough time.
How's it going gang, i'm new
Not new in life, just new in the server
whats up bb
Nothing much lol
Vacations aint shit
feel that i need another one lol
I used to love vacations, now it's just stress but without classes or work
damn son sorry to hear that, i would just try to relax a bit meditate maybe
Ive been trying to do that, but i just get angry at myself lol
I can't focus and that makes me sad because i remember i was able to focus
whats stressing you out so much man, gotta get to the core issue first
i need your advice
i want to get some good knife cuz i can
what you think about this one?