Message from @AKAlexei
Discord ID: 603009741756825621
Hahahah, you act like you don’t post racist bigoted memes in here. And on top of that anyone that supports extreme fascism, or Communism/ Socialism is less than human, both systems have tried and failed across the globe. Resulting in millions upon millions of innocent people persecuted. Acting as if you’re as innocent as the people who were slaughtered for worshipping a religion or there own choice, while you advocate for the same political ideals that lead to such things, is truly what is hypocritical in this chat.
Later Pig
Racist memes are hilarious
Yeah I'm done with you
Get banned, cunt.
@AKAlexei I am curious of your political beliefs though, would you perchance explain?
where do we post memes
>retard alert
Pro-choice, in favor of constitutional amendment ensuring women have equal rights (something that sounds redundant, but really isn't), pro-universal healthcare, immigration reform, end state lines for insurance companies, marginalized corporate tax rate like what we had in the 50s, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-Eco friendly policy, anti-war, end the war on drugs, decriminalize marijuana and pardon all persons imprisoned for solely drug charges (EG if you're in jail for selling weed or possessing, your free, if you also have something like a murder charge, you're staying in prison), end the surveillance state, legalize sex work, and raise the minimum wage. Also, invest heavily in infrastructure, healthcare research, eco-friendly technology, etc
Also, lower taxes on common people
And when I say lower, I mean borderline libertarian style lower it
Also, reverse Citizens United and ban lobbying for corporations
What about harder drugs such as cocaine or heroin? I see however, for the most part we agree on much. Something I wasn't expecting to be honest.
Probably decriminalize it and set up treatment clinics and programs for people to get clean. On one hand, those drugs are fucking awful for you, but on the other hand, decriminalizing them will bring violence and crime rates down and also ensure that we're not continuing a pointless, endless war on drugs
But would the overdoses decriminalized drugs cause not increase the ammount of overdoses, thereby increasing the strain on health care providers and insursnce companies?
Let’s run a boogaloo DnD campaign
I don't think so, because what contributes to demand is criminalization. I think you'd be surprised how much that shit drops. It's sort of like how having good social programs, good paying jobs, and healthcare contribute to not having mass shootings; we don't really know WHY there's a correlation... but it's there and it makes sense in a weird way
I still vote we execute drug dealers and supplies still
It didn't work
Because the tyrannical cocksuckers in the 80s were arming them and helping funnel drugs into inner cities to kill black people
And besides, how else is the doctor supposed to prescribe me cocaine for the ghosts in my blood?
Ghosts in your... what the fuck are you smoking lmao
Lmao it's a meme
Wtf lol
Bruh doctors used to prescribe all sorts of weird shot
It used to be a common treatment for a multitude of shit to blow tobacco smoke up a patient's asshole
I know lmao
Lost another battle
What the feck just happened? *speaking in irish accent*
Fudds in a nutshell
Just read the discussion
Well, everyone have the right to disagree to opinions