Message from @thatgoonsteve42
Discord ID: 603441288045658122
What's happening?
I'm a dual national
I fucking found something
That made me very fucking afraid
Do tell
Selective service system. Never heard abour until now
Im 19
Yeah you’re American alright
Better register
I read about the 30 days and all
But I didn't
What's that?
What happens?
Bro I'm desperate
It’s ok
Hold up n
Are feds coming after me?
Im no fucking kidding now
No one is gonna come after you
But what's that? Is it like military service?
Give me 20 minutes
@Dr Meme you need to register when you turn 18
Nothing is going to happen to you
No one told me that
I knew it on my own
@Sir Harndes i understand that, but is it like military service or what is that about. Sounds serious
Military service
Ok so you just got a notice
To register for the draft. You’re not being drafted. Every male gets that letter
Basically you register to tell your elligible
All you gotta do is go online and register that’s it
I remember the time when I did mine. Really fun sutff